reiniscimurs / DRL-robot-navigation

Deep Reinforcement Learning for mobile robot navigation in ROS Gazebo simulator. Using Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (TD3) neural network, a robot learns to navigate to a random goal point in a simulated environment while avoiding obstacles.
MIT License
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cmake error #123

Open Leo6666666666666 opened 3 months ago

Leo6666666666666 commented 3 months ago

DescCMake Error at /opt/ros/noetic/share/catkin/cmake/empy.cmake:30 (message): Unable to find either executable 'empy' or Python module 'em'... try installing the package 'python3-empy'ribe the bug

When I paste the code catkin_make_isolated, I got the error on top, I download the python3-empy but it didn't work. How can I fix this problem?

reiniscimurs commented 3 months ago

Hi, This is supporting software issue and outside the scope of this repo. You should find a way to install empy for your setup.

Sunsundayz1 commented 1 month ago

Hi You should enter catkin _ make -DPYTHON _ EXECUTABLE = / usr / bin / python3 The conda environment conflicts with the python environment