reiniscimurs / DRL-robot-navigation

Deep Reinforcement Learning for mobile robot navigation in ROS Gazebo simulator. Using Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (TD3) neural network, a robot learns to navigate to a random goal point in a simulated environment while avoiding obstacles.
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simulation problems, modules can not be loaded #16

Closed Trevor233 closed 2 years ago

Trevor233 commented 2 years ago

Hi Reinis, so sorry to bother you. When i ran python3, the gazebo can not be activated, and the rviz running was a mess like this 2022-04-26 19-26-11屏幕截图

it seems like the modules of world can not be loaded, and the errors was like this 2022-04-26 19-25-51屏幕截图

Could you please tell me how to fix this, thx!

reiniscimurs commented 2 years ago


This error would appear if you are not loading in or environments. The maps are located in DRL-robot-navigation/catkin_ws/src/multi_robot_scenario/launch/ and specified in

It looks like you are launching the program with an empty world, if you would like to do so, you should remove the function that takes care of relocating the boxes (that are not there in the world file) in the reset function. I think commenting out this line should suffice If not, then remove any line with a reference to the cardboard boxes in the env file

Trevor233 commented 2 years ago

Really appreciate your answering! but when I ran the I didn't change any of your code. So it's so weird that the program didn't load the Could you please tell me how to load the I'm such a rookie at gazebo sorry

reiniscimurs commented 2 years ago

Can you give me some information what your system looks like and how you set up the repo? That could help to see what went wrong.

Let's see if we can figure this out

Trevor233 commented 2 years ago

sorry it's my bad for not providing these details. The OS version is Ubuntu 18.04, ROS version is melodic, Python version is Python 2.7.17 Yes I would like to use virtual env and it's so embarrassing that I don't quite know which branch was used... I just reinstall the program and launch it following your file 2022-04-26 22-20-34屏幕截图 It can't load any modules in the file yet.

Trevor233 commented 2 years ago

I've tried to roslaunch the multi_robot_scenario.launch file in catkin_ws/src/multi_robot_scenario/launch/ it still shows nothing but a robot r1. 2022-04-26 22-28-38屏幕截图 I tried to roslaunch empty_world.launch file in catkin_ws/src/multi_robot_scenario/launch/ and it just stuck in here 2022-04-26 22-36-52屏幕截图 Is these situation should be happened or what it should be like when you roslaunch these two? I'm so grateful for your patience

reiniscimurs commented 2 years ago

I will check the problem in detail once i have a bit more time, but it seems to me it is launching the wrong package here. You can see that is looking into /opt/ros/melodic... for the empty_world.launch file but it should be looking into the repo files. You could check if the repo was installed exactly in the same place and way as noted in the description of this repo (cloned into ~/). If not, then some absolute paths might need to be changed.

In any case, it is not the file in catkin_ws/src/multi_robot_scenario/launch that you should check. Check the one in TD3/assets as that is the one actually used in the repo.

Trevor233 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your patience. I just reinstalled the repo and I add my package path to the bash.rc file.Then I tried to run the program it became like this.The Rviz was just stuck here 2022-04-27 21-02-23屏幕截图 It appears that it has loaded the right world but the gazebo still can't be activated and there are still some mistakes.I tried to look out the log file the error mentioned but it's so weird I didn't find it. 2022-04-27 21-09-59屏幕截图

reiniscimurs commented 2 years ago


Seems like the right world file is loading at least. What do you mean by 'gazebo still can't be activated'? Does your gazebo installation run on its own?

Also, check if you can launch the or on its own. You can do this by: cd ~/DRL-robot-navigation/catkin_ws/src/multi_robot_scenario/launch gazebo Let me know what comes out of that

Also just a simple restart of the computer might help if you haven't done that already

Trevor233 commented 2 years ago

Thank you so much I've check the world file it could be launch. And it turns out that I didn't install a module named 'netifaces' under my working env. The problem has been solved. Again, really appreciate your kind and patience! 2022-04-28 20-32-35 的屏幕截图

reiniscimurs commented 2 years ago

Great that you managed to solve the problem!

No worries, development in ROS is a fickle thing and I was absolutely lost when I started out, so I understand trying to solve these issues very well.

Good luck with the development!