reiniscimurs / DRL-robot-navigation

Deep Reinforcement Learning for mobile robot navigation in ROS Gazebo simulator. Using Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (TD3) neural network, a robot learns to navigate to a random goal point in a simulated environment while avoiding obstacles.
MIT License
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Running error #18

Closed rohithrio closed 1 year ago

rohithrio commented 2 years ago

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'rospkg'

reiniscimurs commented 2 years ago


This error just means that you do not have rospkg package installed. Make sure your ROS installation is correct. You can also install rospkg separately

rohithrio commented 2 years ago

it shows errors like this File "/DRL-robot-navigation/TD3/", line 7, in from velodyne_env import GazeboEnv i installed all the ros packages properly but even though it shows the error like "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'rospkg'

reiniscimurs commented 2 years ago

If you are missing a package that means you do not have it installed or your sources are not set up properly. Make sure packages are installed and sourced properly. Rospkg is not part of this repo and should be part of ROS.

rohithrio commented 2 years ago

Hi sir , we done the training process but after that i don't know how to run the process and get the result

reiniscimurs commented 2 years ago

You can load the network parameters as explained here:

What kind of process do you want to run and what results to you want to achieve?

rohithrio commented 2 years ago

while doing training process gazebo environment is not opening only rviz is opening

reiniscimurs commented 2 years ago

That is normal behaviour. Gazebo launch is turned off to save computer resources. You can start the Gazebo automatically by setting to true

rohithrio commented 2 years ago

hi sir, can you please tell me how to give movements to the robot

reiniscimurs commented 2 years ago

The movements to the robot are given by the neural network with calling the step() function in This executes 1 timestep in the simulation with the calculated action by the actor network.

In simulation, the robot movement is executed by a ROS publisher in

rohithrio commented 2 years ago

ok sir, we executed the code but the robot is staying in one place. Could you tell us how to give the destination to the robot and make the robot to move.

reiniscimurs commented 2 years ago

Please, provide specific and detailed information about your computer/software setup, installation steps, steps you took to run the program, outputs, steps you have taken to solve your issue.

It is impossible to say what is and isn't working without you providing any information.

rohithrio commented 2 years ago

Respected sir, I have followed all the instructions ( All the setup which is needed for the execution of the code) which was provided, and till now everything works good like the environment but the robot couldn't move and stays on the same place, i request you to like resolve my query thank you

reiniscimurs commented 2 years ago

Once again, I cannot help you if you do not provide any information about a specific problem. What exactly is happening? What have you tried? What is the terminal output? Take a look at how other people have asked questions in other issues (closed and open ones) and try to follow their example.

reiniscimurs commented 1 year ago

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