reisir / mondtholomew

Mond but it work
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The player used to connect to spotify easily before i was using it every day but now the player doesnt take feed from spotify and songs are played but not displayed in the player, help #10

Open Kivviiii opened 6 months ago

Kivviiii commented 6 months ago

Please do not use GitHub issues as help requests. If you need help using Mondtholomew or Rainmeter in general, join the Rainmeter discord server: and ask in the #help channel. Remove this disclaimer once you've filled out the bug report.

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Click on '....'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Environment (please complete the following information):

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

Kivviiii commented 6 months ago

; Max width of the player skin PlayerMaxWidth=500

; Where to get media information. WebNowPlaying tries to fetch information from the browser addon. NowPlaying gets data from a local media player. ; WebNowPlaying | NowPlaying PlayerPlugin=WebNowPlaying

; Local player to get media information from. Only works with NowPlaying. ; ; AIMP | CAD | iTunes | Winamp | WMP PlayerName=Winamp

; Player skin left and right information ; Start | Duration | Remaining | Position PlayerLeft=Position PlayerRight=Duration

; Enables smooth progress bar (might cause minor performance issues) SmoothProgress=0

; Character to insert between Artist and Title in the player skin. ; For a new line, use #CRLF# ArtistTitleSeparator=" ~ "

; Toggles title extraction. Only works with WebNowPlaying. ; Useful when the title of the media has duplicated or unnecessary information. ; For example, the song "Fake Friends" posted on the YouTube channel "MANON" has the title "MANON / Fake Friends (Music Video)" ; Title extraction removes the duplicated artist name and "(Music Video)" from the information displayed ; TitleExtraction=0 -> MANON - MANON / Fake Friends (Music Video) ; TitleExtraction=1 -> MANON - Fake Friends TitleExtraction=1 SanitizeArtist=1

; Player color overrides PlayerMainColor=255,255,255 PlayerAccentColor=255,0,0 PlayerHoverColor=255,0,0

; Player alphas ProgressDotHaloColor=#PlayerMainColor#,50 ProgressDotColor=#PlayerAccentColor#,150 ProgressLineBackgroundColor=0,0,0 ProgressLineColor=#PlayerMainColor#,255

; Quirky little regex to highlight unusual chracters in media titles / artist names ; Set to ^$ to safely disable the highlight. PlayerInfoInlinePattern=[^\w|[|]|(|)|{|}|-|.|\,] PlayerInfoInline=Color | #PlayerAccentColor#

Kivviiii commented 6 months ago

this is the whole code i just changed some colors and the "-" to "-" nothing else except that