reisp01 / corona-conky2

Coronavirus stats in conky, now with more formatting
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Different approach using a single bash file #1

Closed Strykar closed 4 years ago

Strykar commented 4 years ago

My bash file -

:~ cat ~/conky/conky-grapes/ 


# Estimated cases, wld=World, ind=India
_wldest () { printf "%'d" "$(curl -s | jq -r '.deaths * 1000')"; }
_indest () { printf "%'d" "$(curl -s | jq -r '.deaths * 1000')"; }

_indc() { printf "%'d" "$(curl -s | jq -r .cases)"; }
_indd() { printf "%'d" "$(curl -s | jq -r .deaths)"; }

_wldc() { printf "%'d" "$(curl -s | jq -r .cases)"; }
_wldd() { printf "%'d" "$(curl -s | jq -r .deaths)"; }

case "$1" in
  echo "usage $0 indest|wldest|indc|indd|wldc|wldd"

Snipped conky.conf with text formatted for my display:

${color #c0fb2d}${font Noto Mono:size=22}☣${font}${color}${font Noto Mono:size=10:bold}Coronavirus${font}
India:          ${texeci 60 /home/strykar/conky/conky-grapes/ indest}     Estimated infections
Worldwide:  ${texeci 60 /home/strykar/conky/conky-grapes/ wldest} Estimated infections
India:          ${texeci 60 /home/strykar/conky/conky-grapes/ indc}        Cases | ${texeci 60 /home/strykar/conky/conky-grapes/ indd}     Deaths
Worldwide:  ${texeci 60 /home/strykar/conky/conky-grapes/ wldc}     Cases | ${texeci 60 /home/strykar/conky/conky-grapes/ wldd} Deaths

This is what it ends up looking like -

If you fancy this approach, I can clean it up and send a PR.

reisp01 commented 4 years ago

I incorporated your changes (along with other stuff like v3 of the API) into this new version. Please let me know if I've credited you as you wish. Thanks!