reitzig / sdkman-for-fish

Adds support for SDKMAN! to fish
MIT License
280 stars 13 forks source link

Does not install.. #32

Closed inktomi closed 4 years ago

inktomi commented 4 years ago

When I attempt to install the sdkman-for-fish, I get..

fetching fisher: cannot add -- is this a valid package? done in 2.23s

reitzig commented 4 years ago

Which command did you run there?

What's the output of the following?

fish --version
fisher --version
cat .config/fish/fishfile 

For me:

$ fisher --version
fisher version 3.2.9 ~/.config/fish/functions/
$ fish --version
fish, version 2.7.1
$ cat .config/fish/fishfile 

$ fisher
linking ~/.config/fish/functions/
linking ~/.config/fish/completions/
linking ~/.config/fish/conf.d/
updated 1 package in 0.79s
inktomi commented 4 years ago

Thanks! Here's the output:

fish - 3.0.2 fisher - 3.2.10 ~/.config/fish/functions/

$cat ~/.config/fish/fishfile
(empty file)

reitzig commented 4 years ago

Which command did you run there?

Can you answer this, please? So far, I don't have enough information to try and reproduce.

In the meantime, can you please add that line to fishfile and run fisher?

reitzig commented 4 years ago

Can't reproduce over here. Using the installation instructions from the fisher and sdkman-for-fish repos, respectively:

r> sudo useradd -m foo
r> sudo su foo
f$ fish
f> curl --create-dirs -sLo ~/.config/fish/functions/
f> fisher add reitzig/sdkman-for-fish
created new fishfile in ~/.config/fish/fishfile
linking ~/.config/fish/functions/
linking ~/.config/fish/completions/
linking ~/.config/fish/conf.d/
added 1 package in 0.57s
f> sdk version
You don't seem to have SDKMAN! installed. Install now? [y/N] y
All done!
Please open a new terminal/shell to load SDKMAN!
f> exit
f$ fish
f> sdk version
SDKMAN 5.7.4+362

Seems to work as intended. That's on Ubuntu 18.04, with the versions given above.

Closing for now; happy to reopen if you can provide steps to reproduce.