rejetto / hfs2

web based file server
GNU General Public License v3.0
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set user/pass option will conflict with user permissions #16

Open NewUserHa opened 3 years ago

NewUserHa commented 3 years ago

if the user window has a user says name:a pwd:b, then set / point's access to the user a, and choose one of many files in / to use set user/pass option to set name:c pwd:d. then go to the web to access the file using a:bwill get no permission, using c:d will get error username not found.

I checked the web did send the right request with POST. and the hfs UI loged the requests but without the form data. so guess may be an issue with the hfs server end.

ps. also found the delete(with rename) permission wouldn't work at all. What would delete and rename option of the web do? will it delete/rename files just in vfs? or actually on disk?

NaitLee commented 3 years ago

Firstly, "set user/pass" is a deprecated technique (actually not usable now). And, when "delete" permission is guaranteed, template side will allow "delete" and "rename" actions (by macros), on real disk.