rejetto / hfs2

web based file server
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Duplicated file upload #23

Open hafedh-trimeche opened 2 years ago

hafedh-trimeche commented 2 years ago


Please note that the file is uploaded twice even a single post method is invoked (2.4.0 RC6).

00:49:15  Connected
00:49:15  Username@  Uploading EINVOICE-2021918922516830.PDF
00:49:15  Username@  Fully uploaded EINVOICE-2021918922516830.PDF - 189.9 K @ 855.4 KB/s
00:49:15  Username@  Disconnected by server - 52 bytes sent
00:49:15  Connected
00:49:15  Username@  Uploading EINVOICE-2021918922516830.PDF
00:49:16  Username@  Fully uploaded EINVOICE-2021918922516830.PDF - 189.9 K @ 811.6 KB/s
00:49:16  Username@  Requested POST /HFS/
00:49:16  Username@  Request dump
> Connection: keep-alive
> Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=--------101221004915412
> Content-Length: 194705
> Host: localhost
> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0
> Authorization: Basic VXNlcm5hbWU6UGFzc3dvcmQ=
00:49:19  Username@  Disconnected - 139 bytes sent

Best regards.

rejetto commented 2 years ago

My best reading of this log is that 2 requests (POST) have been made, on 2 different connections (50773 and 50774). The only strange thing in your log is that first POST was not "dumped". Since the 2 events are so close in time I'd exclude manual intervention and suppose it's a bug.