rejetto / hfs2

web based file server
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Lost top buttons and icon in 2.4 beta 4 #3

Closed cocos56 closed 4 years ago

cocos56 commented 4 years ago

Using IPv6 access : image Using IPv4 access : image

rejetto commented 4 years ago

I cannot reproduce the problem. Suggestions? Try to gather more infos yourself, have a look in the network panel of the browser to see what's happening, or in HFS' log.

cocos56 commented 4 years ago

The problem has been solved in 2.4 beta 7.

cocos56 commented 4 years ago

But a new problem has arisen, it is not accessible through the IP address of part of the virtual networks. image image

cocos56 commented 4 years ago

Cannot be accessed by itself, but can be accessed by other computers. image

cocos56 commented 4 years ago

ZeroTier Central provides a friendly web UI and API for managing ZeroTier network controllers as well as related services that can be added to networks.

cocos56 commented 4 years ago

The problem appears on some browsers, QQ browser reappears, and Edge browser does not reproduce.

image image

rejetto commented 4 years ago

so, it's nothing related to hfs it seems

NaitLee commented 3 years ago

Oh, finally found another victim of dual-core browsers :)

360 Browser, QQ Browser will use IE core by default for IP-address-accessing sites, that's why the "ipv6" (see address bar, there's a domain name) and "ipv4" (see address bar again, an IP) not same.

HFS 2.4 default template control panel is inited with javascript (jquery). IE cannot understand modern js syntax.

You can switch core by clicking that 'e' or thunder sign on the right of address bar.

Or better, 不要用所谓的双核浏览器了,它们就会骗人。

So, it's just the old-to-die Internet Explorer caused this problem. Never mind. :)