rektdeckard / moccasin

A TUI feed reader for RSS, Atom, and (aspirationally) Podcasts
MIT License
19 stars 0 forks source link

Project status #6

Open orhun opened 2 weeks ago

orhun commented 2 weeks ago

Hello, great project!

I created a VCS package for the AUR here:

I was wondering about the maintenance status and future plans. Also, can we get GitHub releases anytime soon? 🐻 I'd like to package this as a binary (non-VCS) package as well.

rektdeckard commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @orhun, thanks for the interest! I'll add links to the AUR package in our readme!

As for ongoing support, I've been meaning to get back to this soon. The more interest I see here, the more likely I am to work on it 😊.

I should make some type of roadmap, but plan on adding Read Status first, then improving some performance issues around DB writes, then probably doing the tags browser. Were there any features you were looking for?

orhun commented 2 weeks ago

Sounds good!

I'll add links to the AUR package in our readme!

Perfect, I can also do it (or review the PR) if you'd like!

Were there any features you were looking for?

Not really, just tried it out and will let you know if there is anything!