related-sciences / ukb-gwas-pipeline-nealelab

Pipeline for reproduction of NealeLab 2018 UKB GWAS
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Getting a GKE cluster working without loadBalancer serviceType #21

Closed eric-czech closed 4 years ago

eric-czech commented 4 years ago

I haven't been able to configure a dask-kubernetes cluster without an external IP for the scheduler. Using the "loadBalancer" service type works well, but we need some way to do this using only internal IPs. I tried the "clusterIP" service type + kubernetes port forwards instead but that didn't work well because those tunnels frequently break.

eric-czech commented 4 years ago

Looks like we need to configure ingress for internal HTTP(S) load balancing:

eric-czech commented 4 years ago

Moving to Cloud Provider for this since special networking configuration is not necessary for internal-ip-only clusters.