Open ivanbag opened 5 years ago
I know this is over a year old but did you ever figure out a fix for this? I have the same issue.
I got it to compile, but the catch is that Arduino boards that have an internal USB only work (no FTDI or Atmega16U2 as USB controllers). The code compiles if you use Arduino Leonardo and the likes.... (remember to change the "#define INTERRUPT_PIN 2" the pin number '2' to the right Interupt Pin for your board, SDA and SCL depends on what board you use)
// Copyright (c) 2017 Relativty
// i2cdevlib and MPU6050 are needed:
// Big thanks to the amazing Jeff Rowberg <3, go check his repo to learn more MPU6050.
// I2Cdev and MPU6050 must be installed as libraries, or else the .cpp/.h files
// for both classes must be in the include path of your project
#include "Relativ.h"
#include "I2Cdev.h"
#include "MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps20.h"
#include "Wire.h"
MPU6050 mpu;
Relativ relativ;
// set these to correct for drift - try small values ~0.000001
#define ALPHA 0.f // correction for drift - tilt channel
#define BETA 0.f // correction for drift - yaw channel
// IMU status and control:
bool dmpReady = false; // true if DMP init was successful
uint8_t mpuIntStatus;
uint8_t devStatus; // 0 = success, !0 = error
uint16_t packetSize;
uint16_t fifoCount;
uint8_t fifoBuffer[64];
Quaternion q; // [w, x, y, z]
volatile bool mpuInterrupt = false; // indicates whether MPU interrupt pin has gone high
void dmpDataReady() {
mpuInterrupt = true;
void setup() {
Wire.setClock(400000); // 400kHz I2C clock. Comment this line if having compilation difficulties
Fastwire::setup(400, true);
* Relativ::startNative() is for 32-bit ARM microconrollers with Native USB like Arduino DUE (recommended)
* Relativ::start() is for NON-NATIVE USB microcontrollers, like Arduino MEGA, Arduino UNO, etc. (slower)
relativ.startNative(); //Compile error? change this to relativ.start() if you have an UNO, MEGA, etc...
//If you are getting "SerialUSB was not declared" when compiling, change
//the following line to Serial.println(.......)
SerialUSB.println(mpu.testConnection() ? F("MPU6050 connection successful") : F("MPU6050 connection failed"));
// configure the DMP
devStatus = mpu.dmpInitialize();
// ==================================
// supply your own gyro offsets here:
// ==================================
// follow procedure here to calibrate offsets
// devStatus if everything worked properly
if (devStatus == 0) {
// turn on the DMP, now that it's ready
// enable Arduino interrupt detection
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(INTERRUPT_PIN), dmpDataReady, RISING);
mpuIntStatus = mpu.getIntStatus();
dmpReady = true;
// get expected DMP packet size for later comparison
packetSize = mpu.dmpGetFIFOPacketSize();
} else {
void loop() {
// Do nothing if DMP doesn't initialize correctly
if (!dmpReady) return;
// wait for MPU interrupt or extra packet(s) to be available
while (!mpuInterrupt && fifoCount < packetSize) {
// reset interrupt flag and get INT_STATUS byte
mpuInterrupt = false;
mpuIntStatus = mpu.getIntStatus();
// get current FIFO count
fifoCount = mpu.getFIFOCount();
if ((mpuIntStatus & 0x10) || fifoCount == 1024) {
// check for interrupt
else if (mpuIntStatus & 0x02) {
while (fifoCount < packetSize) fifoCount = mpu.getFIFOCount();
mpu.getFIFOBytes(fifoBuffer, packetSize);
fifoCount -= packetSize;
mpu.dmpGetQuaternion(&q, fifoBuffer);
* Relativ::updateOrientationNative() is for 32-bit ARM core microcontrollers
* with Native USB like Arduino DUE (recommended)
* Relativ::updateOrientation() is for NON-NATIVE USB microcontrollers
* like Arduino Mega, Arduino Uno, etc. (slower)
// find direction of gravity (down in world frame)
VectorFloat down;
mpu.dmpGetGravity(&down, &q);
// tilt angle is the angle made between world-y and the "up"-vector (just negative of "down")
float phi = acos( -down.y / down.getMagnitude() );
// drift due to tilt
Quaternion d_tilt( cos(phi/2.f), -down.getNormalized().z * sin(phi/2.f), 0.f, down.getNormalized().x * sin(phi/2.f) );
// TO DO: if magnetometer readings are available, yaw drift can be accounted for
// int16_t ax_tmp, ay_tmp, az_tmp, gx_tmp, gy_tmp, gz_tmp, mx, my, mz;
// mpu.getMotion9(ax_tmp, ay_tmp, az_tmp, gx_tmp, gy_tmp, gz_tmp, mx, my, mz);
// VectorFloat16 magn(float(mx), float(my), float(mz));
// VectorFloat16 north = magn.rotate(q);
// float beta = acos( -north.z / north.magnitude() );
// Quaternion d_yaw( cos(beta/2.f), 0.f, sin(beta/2.f), 0.f );
Quaternion d_yaw; // just default to identity if no magnetometer is available.
double tilt_correct = -ALPHA * 2.f * acos(d_tilt.w);
double yaw_correct = -BETA * 2.f * acos(d_yaw.w);
//Quaternion tilt_correction( cos(tilt_correct/2.f), -down.normalize() * sin(tilt_correct/2.f), 0.f, down.normalize().x * sin(tilt_correct/2.f) );
Quaternion tilt_correction( cos(tilt_correct/2.f), -down.getNormalized().getMagnitude() * sin(tilt_correct/2.f), 0.f, down.getNormalized().x * sin(tilt_correct/2.f) );
Quaternion yaw_correction( cos(yaw_correct/2.f), 0.f, sin(yaw_correct/2.f), 0.f);
// qc = yc * tc * q
Quaternion qc; //(tilt_correction.w, tilt_correction.x, tilt_correction.y, tilt_correction.z);
qc = qc.getProduct(yaw_correction);
qc = qc.getProduct(tilt_correction);
qc = qc.getProduct(q);
// report result
relativ.updateOrientationNative(qc.x, qc.y, qc.z, qc.w, 4);
//If your microcontroller is non-native usb, change the above line to:
//relativ.updateOrientation(q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w, 4);
I have the same problem. I'm using an Arduino DUE. I can't find the VectorFloat16 in any of the used libraries. There's only VectorFloat. But the program doesn't work with the VectorFloat function.
Sorry but I've given up on this project ages ago.... If I remember this uses OSVR (Which has been dead for a long time now thanks to SteamVR always updating). This headset only tracks rotation only, like anyother mobile VR headset.....
Hello, trying to compile the sketch I get the following error:
main:133:9: error: 'VectorFloat16' was not declared in this scope
main:134:28: error: 'down' was not declared in this scope
exit status 1 'VectorFloat16' was not declared in this scope
How can I correct it?
Thanks, regards