relaton / relaton-iso

RelatonIso: ISO Standards metadata using the BibliographicItem model
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Provide URN for every "ISO" and "ISO/IEC" document according to RFC 5141 #85

Closed ronaldtse closed 4 years ago

ronaldtse commented 4 years ago

We want to provide RFC 5141 URN information per ISO and IEC documents:

The standard-id would be something like:

      (isoversion scheme)
      refers to the corrected version of Amendment 2, in English, which
      amends the document comprising the 1st version of edition 1 of ISO
      9999-1 incorporating the 1st version of Amendment 1, in English/
      French (bilingual document)

For examples, see

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andrew2net commented 4 years ago

@ronaldtse We have the to_all_parts function which removes a part number from a document identifier and adds "(all parts)" string to it. How should we handle the URN in the all-parts functionality? I've discussed it with Nick. He suggests just remove the part number without adding "all parts" back into the URN.

ronaldtse commented 4 years ago

@andrew2net this case is specified in RFC 5141:

   NSS           = std-nss

      All URNs conforming to this specification begin the NSS with the
      prefix "std:" to denote the restriction to documents developed by
      the ISO standards development procedures as defined in the ISO/IEC
      Directives, Part 1 [ISODIR-1] and the ISO Supplement [ISODIR-S].
      Prefixes that identify ISO objects of other kinds may be defined
      in future revisions of this specification.

      std-nss       = "std:" docidentifier *supplement *docelement

      The prefix "std:" distinguishes an <std-nss>.  An <std-nss>
      identifies the ISO document that is designated by the
      <docidentifier>, as extended or modified by any identified
      <supplement>.  (An <std-nss> that identifies all parts of a
      multipart ISO document is a special case as described under the

Goodwin & Apel               Informational                      [Page 4]

RFC 5141                     ISO URN Schema                   March 2008

      element <partnumber>.)  If the <std-nss> contains an <addition>
      element, the NSS identifies a resource extracted from the ISO
      document or otherwise associated with it (see below).
ronaldtse commented 4 years ago

Notice that the ISO URN Schema differs from the IEC URN Schema. I will provide details of the IEC URN schema in a separate ticket. This ticket should only be for ISO.

ronaldtse commented 4 years ago

Thanks @andrew2net please also document this method for API and command line. Thanks!