relaton / relaton-itu

Relaton-ITU: retrieve ITU Standards for bibliographic use using the Relaton BibliographicItem model
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Unable to fetch "ITU-R Recommendation 592" #56

Closed skalee closed 3 years ago

skalee commented 3 years ago

Attempt to fetch ITU-R Recommendation 592 with Relaton results with an error. It is a regression — it was working without error on 18th March. (I'm not 100% sure if the return value was correct, but there was no error.)

Exact error:

`split': bad URI(is not URI?): " 592.yaml" (URI::InvalidURIError)

Stack trace:

    14: from (redacted)/gems/relaton-1.7.7/lib/relaton/db.rb:73:in `fetch'
    13: from (redacted)/gems/relaton-1.7.7/lib/relaton/db.rb:384:in `check_bibliocache'
    12: from (redacted)/gems/relaton-1.7.7/lib/relaton/db.rb:404:in `new_bib_entry'
    11: from (redacted)/gems/relaton-1.7.7/lib/relaton/db.rb:419:in `net_retry'
    10: from (redacted)/gems/relaton-itu-1.7.7/lib/relaton_itu/processor.rb:17:in `get'
     9: from (redacted)/gems/relaton-itu-1.7.7/lib/relaton_itu/itu_bibliography.rb:49:in `get'
     8: from (redacted)/gems/relaton-itu-1.7.7/lib/relaton_itu/itu_bibliography.rb:137:in `itubib_get1'
     7: from (redacted)/gems/relaton-itu-1.7.7/lib/relaton_itu/itu_bibliography.rb:91:in `search_filter'
     6: from (redacted)/gems/relaton-itu-1.7.7/lib/relaton_itu/itu_bibliography.rb:28:in `search'
     5: from (redacted)/gems/relaton-itu-1.7.7/lib/relaton_itu/itu_bibliography.rb:28:in `new'
     4: from (redacted)/gems/relaton-itu-1.7.7/lib/relaton_itu/hit_collection.rb:30:in `initialize'
     3: from (redacted)/lib/ruby/2.7.0/uri/common.rb:737:in `URI'
     2: from (redacted)/lib/ruby/2.7.0/uri/common.rb:234:in `parse'
     1: from (redacted)/lib/ruby/2.7.0/uri/rfc3986_parser.rb:73:in `parse'

Recorded Pry session:

[2] pry(main)> require "relaton"
=> true
[3] pry(main)> rec = "ITU-R Recommendation 592"
=> "ITU-R Recommendation 592"
[4] pry(main)>"db1", nil).fetch(rec)
[relaton] Info: detecting backends:
[relaton] processor "relaton_gb" registered
[relaton] processor "relaton_iec" registered
[relaton] processor "relaton_ietf" registered
[relaton] processor "relaton_iso" registered
[relaton] processor "relaton_itu" registered
[relaton] processor "relaton_nist" registered
[relaton] processor "relaton_ogc" registered
[relaton] processor "relaton_calconnect" registered
[relaton] processor "relaton_omg" registered
[relaton] processor "relaton_un" registered
[relaton] processor "relaton_w3c" registered
[relaton] processor "relaton_ieee" registered
[relaton] processor "relaton_iho" registered
[relaton] processor "relaton_bipm" registered
[relaton] processor "relaton_ecma" registered
[relaton] processor "relaton_cie" registered
[relaton-itu] ("ITU-R Recommendation 592") fetching...
URI::InvalidURIError: bad URI(is not URI?): " 592.yaml"
from /Users/skale/.rbenv/versions/2.7.2/lib/ruby/2.7.0/uri/rfc3986_parser.rb:67:in `split'

ronaldtse commented 3 years ago

Thanks for reporting @skalee . @andrew2net can you help?

andrew2net commented 3 years ago

@ronaldtse I think the result was incorrect. We added ITU-R support in version 1.7.4 exact on 18th March. @skalee it seems you used one of the previous versions. The only document with number 592, that there is in the new ITU-R source, is "REC-F.592-4". To fetch the document It's necessary to use the reference "ITU-R REC-F.592-4".

skalee commented 3 years ago

Thanks for explanation. I'll better find out what refs should be passed instead of those. Closing.

skalee commented 3 years ago

Actually, this is a bug IMO.

If "ITU-R Recommendation 592" is not an existing ref, then:

but actual behaviour is:

cc @andrew2net

andrew2net commented 3 years ago

@skalee to store documents on disk we use It caches found and not found documents. The only issue that needs to be solved is catching an invalid URI error. I'll do it in the next release.

skalee commented 3 years ago

The only issue that needs to be solved is catching an invalid URI error.

That's right. Sorry for being unclear.