relaxtakenotes / better-movement-v2

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Stepsound request #4

Closed Lombaxtard closed 8 months ago

Lombaxtard commented 9 months ago

I thing I've mentioned this a long time ago, but is it possible that you'd implement a different formula for stepsoundtime? There would be slowwalk, walk, and run definable variables (in ticks or ms, whatever it is now) that would determine stepsound delay (just like Simple Player Speed Changer has it now), then that value would be contracted by current movement speed percentage inverted (movtype - movspeedinv = stepsoundtime) or something like that. Apologies for a hasty explanation..

So if every move type has it's own stepsoundtime value, then let's say, walk move type has it at 400 at 100% walk speed (not transitioning), which would then transition into run move type's value of 200, gradually, being at 300 ticks when movement speed is 50% into transition in between walk and run movement speed. I said it once, and I'll say it again - being able to sync stepsoundtime exactly to the way your character moves it's legs is another level of feast for your eyes and ears. I think the implementation is something like duplicating movement speed acceleration and deceleration to instead feature stepsoundtime.

Perhaps even add an offset for every third step (L4D Reanimation has assymetrical animation loop just like in the game, which approximately means: step > 151ticks > step > 160 ticks > step > 151 ticks > and so on)

Anyway, separate stepsoundtime values would be enough of a bliss, I'm just daydreaming here in regards to third step offset, if you're up for this of course

relaxtakenotes commented 9 months ago

syncing footsteps with the playermodel using numbers is pretty stupid and is just a waste of time. i am planning on adding some sort of a feature that emits footsteps when the actual leg hits something, but god knows when i'll get it right. there's an implementation of it here:, but due to the license and the fact that i just plain out don't like it, i'm pretty hesitant on using it.

Lombaxtard commented 9 months ago

syncing footsteps with the playermodel using numbers is pretty stupid and is just a waste of time. i am planning on adding some sort of a feature that emits footsteps when the actual leg hits something, but god knows when i'll get it right. there's an implementation of it here:, but due to the license and the fact that i just plain out don't like it, i'm pretty hesitant on using it.

I agree. I wish there was an alternative, but there just isn't, so it's the only thing left for me to do and synced leggy sounds are just so gr8 to experience And I don't suppose GMod's animation system is similar to TF2 or Left 4 Dead 2 to imitate this:

relaxtakenotes commented 9 months ago

i'll have to see. maybe there's a hidden event that fires on footstep...

relaxtakenotes commented 9 months ago

nope, there isn't. hacky trace checks it is then lol

Lombaxtard commented 9 months ago

nope, there isn't. hacky trace checks it is then lol

Bloody garry, why did you have to stop with ep2 engine...

relaxtakenotes commented 9 months ago wasnt too hard to implement, did it in about 10 minutes cause i already had most of the footstep shit done, just needed to do the traces. still need to iron out a few issues tho

Lombaxtard commented 9 months ago wasnt too hard to implement, did it in about 10 minutes cause i already had most of the footstep shit done, just needed to do the traces. still need to iron out a few issues tho

Jeez, good stuff! Can't wait to try it out when you're done (I'm just wondering how well it will play with some of the reanimations out there or with The Prone Mod) How expensive is it btw? A bit curious and a little concerned .-.

Edit: Nvm, somehow Palpat...I missed that you've pushed another update with the feature My god does it feel awesome, also while using prone mod sounds emit exactly when they should which is even cooler Only issue I found was with L4D reanimation mod while crouch-moving forward in "medkit" holdtype - right leg doesn't reach the ground for just a bit and in these circumstances there is only left leg sound, it's unimportant enough to disregard though P.S. One last thing I'll point out here not to open another thread. When sprinting exactly to the left or right (only applies to controllers) while holding ArcCW/MWBase or whatever the sprinting animation disengages as if you were not sprinting. It happens with the original movement using controller too, so no idea as to whether it can be fixed or not

P.S.2 So you're not gonna bring back separate ladder speed multiplier from SPSC?...

P.S.3 ...and "force_speed" to override weapons...

relaxtakenotes commented 9 months ago

i pushed some improvements to the anim based footsteps and a different mode that should work just a bit better. CreateConVar("sv_bm_animevent_footsteps_type", 0, flags, "0 - regular traces, 1 - util.IsOBBIntersectingOBB"), CreateConVar("sv_bm_animevent_footsteps_offset", 8, flags, "Foot offset if the type is 1"),

Lombaxtard commented 9 months ago

Type 1 works wonders on slopes (instead of 4-6 footstep sounds per second there is correct amount now in accordance to leg movements)

Btw, what is this about? An undefined material? Type 0 and 1 don't work on it regardless (it was an issue before this last update, it's just that I finally got to documenting it) Map is Pripyat Remaster, since I couldn't reproduce this on gm_construct, it's the only lead

relaxtakenotes commented 9 months ago

i suppose so, will see

relaxtakenotes commented 9 months ago

fixed. the trace for some reason didn't return the surface properties id on that specific surface

Lombaxtard commented 9 months ago

fixed. the trace for some reason didn't return the surface properties id on that specific surface

Gorgeous, thank you good sir


P.S.2 So you're not gonna bring back separate ladder speed multiplier from SPSC?...

P.S.3 ...and "force_speed" to override weapons...

relaxtakenotes commented 9 months ago

i forgot i had those features...

relaxtakenotes commented 9 months ago

readded them :-)

Lombaxtard commented 9 months ago

Wondrous news, it's so good to have them back :3 Btw, how does "sv_bm_animevent_footsteps_offset" work? I tried changing it's value, but I can't see any difference (also, if I lower/increase it by more than 1 then footstep sounds stop emitting completely). And yes, "type" is set to 1

relaxtakenotes commented 9 months ago

just offsets ur foot by the z axis. positive numbers offset it down, negative offset it up

Lombaxtard commented 9 months ago

Just found out these footsteps are clientside-only (other players walk silently)

relaxtakenotes commented 9 months ago

that's not clientside only? even so, it's more realistic, because you can't hear footsteps from a mile away

Lombaxtard commented 9 months ago

No, I mean completely silent, as in I can't hear myself walking if I'm using the Camera tool or even if I create a bot and make him move. I haven't tested without animevent footsteps, but it should probably work fine as in your addon's page video (I'm using your edit of the original PF HL Alyx btw)

relaxtakenotes commented 9 months ago

... bots are bots, and the issue regarding your footsteps not being played is probably because of setupbones not being called, which i fixed before you replied. regardless, everything works for me after the setupbones change

Lombaxtard commented 9 months ago

... bots are bots, and the issue regarding your footsteps not being played is probably because of setupbones not being called, which i fixed before you replied. regardless, everything works for me after the setupbones change

Okay, it probably should've worked for me before, but anyway... Here's the actual problem: Default footsteps with only CTV and BM2 installed, and I hear footsteps when looking through the camera. But when I add your edit of PF HL Alyx footsteps disappear the moment I switch to camera and return when I switch back off it I just didn't test with no addons but the target ones enabled before, so here you go

P.S. A question if I may: do DSteps work properly with Viewpunch Viewbob unlike Presence Footsteps? I like PF HL Alyx a lot but they get old. And I got kinda disappointed that your edit was not of the most feature rich version of PF so I wasn't able to properly port one of my favorites to it. I'm also lazy :p and on the lookout for ready-to-use solutions of compatible footsteps (default PF addons emit both native Garry's Mod footsteps and PF at the same time using BM2 with animevent)

relaxtakenotes commented 9 months ago

1) doesnt sound like the issue i'll be fixing. 2) yeah. i nabbed its fix for footsteps for my pf alyx edit

Lombaxtard commented 9 months ago
  1. doesnt sound like the issue i'll be fixing.

    1. yeah. i nabbed its fix for footsteps for my pf alyx edit

Thanks for the reply Btw, I just tested animevent with DSteps and this combo makes footsteps work regardless, always. Just like vanilla incremental footsteps already do Might be something of use to you should you consider otherwise...

Lombaxtard commented 9 months ago

I hope you're okay if I dump this batch here...

  1. After getting the latest update (or maybe it was one update before that) wounded limping stopped working as intended. Specifically it does not slowdown you when you're limping anymore (sv_bm_remove_weapon_hooks 0).

  2. If I jump onto something low enough without making a landing sound (regardless of animevent footsteps. I think it's related to what you've been describing of landing footstep sound) I won't make any footstep sounds until I jump AND get a landing sound from it.

  3. Another thing I've been meaning to report was that with "sv_bm_slowdown_on_landing" set to 0 movement is completely locked until I turn it back on. Not sure what's that about, I'm also pretty sure this was present on release, but I didn't seem to make much of it..

P.S. Could you please elaborate on the bbox update? I seemingly have to set animevent_offset to "0" (not a single digit higher) instead of default "8" to get the same behaviour as before (!except right now with L4D reanimations both legs seem to always reach the ground and emit footstep sounds unlike before with some crouched holdtypes!). It's "-1" to get the exact same behaviour, in which case one of the feet still doesn't reach the ground (however altering offset value didn't work much and current behaviour at 0 was unachievable, so I guess it's still a fix of sorts .-.) I'm not complaining, it fixed an older issue after all, I'd just like to get into it a bit if you don't mind :)

Lombaxtard commented 9 months ago

Oh, and a very strange fucked-up thing coming up Using Extended Player Animations and the newest BM2 version slows you down when you switch to an ar2/smg/shotgun/rpg holdtype..? Wtf, I just tested with exact same set of addons except for using an older BM2 version and it didn't slow me down with it. It didn't with the newest one...

relaxtakenotes commented 9 months ago

VSCodium_WRQLzGPJF1 VSCodium_D0yD1lRz9K these are the only places where something at all can happen to break my shit, but i think not even these are the real culprits. idk why it happens, only guess is that either the forward/side move are getting fucked or maxspeed.

Lombaxtard commented 9 months ago

Oh my god, nevermind the second message, I just got struck by how idiotic this particular slowdown was being achieved Turnded out it was TacRP's fault of slowing the player down. Do you know why? When you use weapon selector and press LMB to confirm, TacRP already assumes you are in the process of firing a weapon and slows you down in accordance to it's mechanics. I've no idea how I've missed it, I tested two different versions of BM2 in good faith and results were consistent with what I've stated in the previous message, but now that I've tested again it finally occurred to me what it was and slowdown actually started happening with an older BM2 as well. Somehow my mouse presses have changed and became shorter or wtf..? I never even considered it to be the culprit and I don't think I've noticed this until, well, updating BM2 once more. Funny thing is, I disabled sh_move from TacRP almost entirely, yet this turned out to be an untouched feature