relay-tools / relay-compiler-language-typescript

⛔️ Obsolete - A language plugin for Relay that adds TypeScript support, including emitting type definitions.
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Union fields incorrectly generating type declarations #201

Open maraisr opened 4 years ago

maraisr commented 4 years ago

for the definition:

type PostNotFound implements Node {
    id: ID!;

type PostMoved implements Node {
    id: ID!;
    target: Post!;

type Post implements Node {
    id: ID!;
    body: String!;
    author: String!;

union BlogResult = Post | PostNotFound | PostMoved;

type Blog {
   node: BlogResult;

and the query:

query BlogPostQuery {
    blog {
        ... on PostNotFound {
        ... on Post {


The types generated doesn't allow me to discriminate unions:

export type BlogPostQuery = {
    readonly blog: {
        readonly __typename: "PostNotFound";
        readonly body?: string;
        readonly author?: string;

To me that is wrong, because the typename PostNotFound doesnt have those fields on it.


export type BlogPostQuery = {
    readonly blog: {
        readonly __typename: "PostNotFound";
    } | {
        readonly __typename: "Post";
        readonly body: string;
        readonly author: string;

or would I need to ask for __typename on every union member, or on field for that matter.

Logging so I don't forget, will raise a fix PR soon

damikun commented 4 years ago

@maraisr i think you can solve it using separate fragments for each union inside your querry. It will spilit it to fragmentRefs..

query BlogPostQuery {
    blog {
        __typename  // Use this to differ

         ... PostNotFound_fragment 
     ... Post_fragment


fragment PostNotFound_fragment on PostNotFound {

fragment Post_fragment on Post {