Open Ornanovitch opened 2 months ago
Hi there and thanks a lot for Release-it and this plugin!
With this conf:
[git] requireCommits = true commit = false getLatestTagFromAllRefs = true [plugins] [plugins."@release-it/conventional-changelog"] infile = "" [plugins."@release-it/conventional-changelog".preset] name = "conventionalcommits" [plugins."@release-it/bumper"] in = ["package.json", "pyproject.toml"] out = ["package.json", "pyproject.toml"]
I got the following bump proposal from Release-it after a simple fix commit, I think this is not normal, I should get a patch release:
~ npx release-it --no-npm --dry-run $ git diff --quiet HEAD $ git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD dev $ git config --get origin $ git remote get-url origin git@{masked} ! git fetch $ git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD [cached] $ git -c "versionsort.suffix=-" for-each-ref --count=1 --sort=-v:refname --format="%(refname:short)" refs/tags/* 0.1.1 $ git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/dev $ git for-each-ref --format="%(upstream:short)" refs/heads/dev origin/dev $ git -c "versionsort.suffix=-" for-each-ref --count=1 --sort=-v:refname --format="%(refname:short)" refs/tags/* [cached] $ git rev-list 0.1.1..HEAD --count 3 🚀 Let's release {masked} (0.1.1...0.2.0) Changelog: ## [0.2.0]({masked}/compare/0.1.1...0.2.0) (2024-10-03) ### Bug Fixes * adjust release-it ([090f7a0]({masked}/commit/090f7a07f1e5984a0b40a37c93f4ddeaf6362fc2)) $ Writing version to package.json $ Writing version to pyproject.toml $ Writing changelog to ? Tag (0.2.0)? Yes ! git tag --annotate --message Release 0.2.0 0.2.0 ? Push? Yes $ git symbolic-ref HEAD [cached] $ git for-each-ref --format="%(upstream:short)" refs/heads/dev [cached] ! git push --follow-tags 🏁 Done (in 3s.)
Probably related to
Hi there and thanks a lot for Release-it and this plugin!
With this conf:
I got the following bump proposal from Release-it after a simple
commit, I think this is not normal, I should get a patch release: