relet / sf0ce

A community platform aiming at modern restoration of the game
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Expectation inflation #7

Open squirmelia opened 10 years ago

squirmelia commented 10 years ago

"I want to have fun on the site, but there is a group of the seven active players who believe that we should be constantly trying to outdo ourselves. I can't." - Prancing Pixie

squirmelia commented 10 years ago

"My favorite feature of sf0 are the high expectations. But the bar being set very high might also have been a reason for many people not to join. Ideally I would like to see a community where people can have light fun as well as push their boundaries if they want to." - Kattapa

"I agree that expectation inflation keeps me from posting mediocre praxis in favour of not posting at all. I think there are means to address this: For example, there could be more time restricted tasks (5 minute noodles). " - Relet

pixieofhugs commented 9 years ago

Time restricted tasks are good. More 5 point tasks are good. Less 15 - 50 point tasks are good. Really, this is a community thing. The dominant strategy (as someone who is really good at sf0) is to try to kill yourself tasking, because that is what gets votes. Write us are long because that is what gets votes. Lincoln can task once a year if that and keep winning because when he does task, it's usually hard core enough to where people come out of retirement to vote (or maybe there is something more insidious, but that is nether here nor there)

We as a community need to reward fun mediocrity if we want people to task. I've already been to the hospital tasking and found the love of my life. There's just nowhere but down to to go from there