relevance / blue-ridge

Framework for JavaScript Testing (currently a Rails Plugin)
MIT License
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Starting to cover blue-ridge with cucumber integration tests #19

Open drnic opened 15 years ago

drnic commented 15 years ago

I've started writing integration tests for the rake tasks. Specifically there are scenarios for running 'rake test:javascripts' on: a rails project, a non-rails project, and on blue-ridge itself. With integration tests this will allow us to explore alternate compositions of technology (say trialling htmltest instead of env.js + rhino, or switching out screw.unit for jspec or whatever), but make sure that the core generators and headless test rake tasks keep working.

This work is in a "features" branch ( though this branch also includes all my other commits and merged commits from other people's branches.

If you want the cucumber specific changes only, let me know, else hopefully you can pull in all the changes (some which solve other issues such as #14)

karnowski commented 15 years ago

I've had a few people (most notably David Chelimsky & Chad Humphries) recommend this strategy too. I'll definitely take a look.