relevance / blue-ridge

Framework for JavaScript Testing (currently a Rails Plugin)
MIT License
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rake js:shell won't work without lib/env.rhino.js #26

Closed aiwilliams closed 14 years ago

aiwilliams commented 14 years ago

It seems this file is missing in the repository. Is the documentation simply out of date? I get this when I run the rake task:

js: "/vendor/plugins/blue-ridge/lib/shell.js", line 14: Couldn't read source file "/vendor/plugins/blue-ridge/lib/env.rhino.js: /vendor/plugins/blue-ridge/lib/env.rhino.js (No such file or directory)".
 - loaded env.js
js: "/vendor/plugins/blue-ridge/lib/shell.js", line 17: uncaught JavaScript runtime exception: ReferenceError: "window" is not defined.
    at /vendor/plugins/blue-ridge/lib/shell.js:17
    at /vendor/plugins/blue-ridge/lib/shell.js:1
karnowski commented 14 years ago

Thanks for pointing this out, Adam! I fixed this broken file path, which then made me find that the env-js.jar we were using was breaking the shell too. I fixed this by updating to the env.js 1.0rc7. Thanks!