relevance / blue-ridge

Framework for JavaScript Testing (currently a Rails Plugin)
MIT License
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In browser runner #4

Closed superchris closed 15 years ago

superchris commented 15 years ago

Since I'm experiencing tests that fail in blueridge using rhino but pass in browser, I'm working on adding an in browser test runner using selenium rc. The plan is to make running it as running it headless, eg. a rake task which starts selenium rc, runs test, shuts down selenium rc. Is there any interest in this, or is this already being done by someone else? I'll fork and check it in once I get it working.

karnowski commented 15 years ago

I think screw-unit-server does something similar to this. I'd be interested in seeing the code, maybe making it optional Blue Ridge plugin that could be turned on/off via configuration. To be honest, however, I'm more interested in making env.js better rather.

karnowski commented 15 years ago

Closing this ticket until we get a pull request.