relevance / blue-ridge

Framework for JavaScript Testing (currently a Rails Plugin)
MIT License
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Decouple blue-ridge from Rails #42

Open techwhizbang opened 14 years ago

techwhizbang commented 14 years ago

Latey I've been doing a lot of homework evaluating alternatives to blue-ridge because like many shops javascript and other like "assets" often reside outside of a singular Rails stack. At this point I think it is fairly common to have multiple frameworks, languages, etc under one roof.

Anyway, I stumbled across JSpec and really appreciated how they made it a gem thereby making it application framework agnostic (of course if you want it to be, there is a Rails option).

Has there been any consideration to decoupling blue-ridge from Rails? I thought I'd ask before I go and fork something and do a one-off. I think the benefits outweigh the cons, just to think of a couple It could shield the project from Rails core changes and direct dependencies Lead to wider adoption if it wasn't Rails specific
