relevance / org-html-slideshow

JavaScript presentation slides generated from Emacs org-mode
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Enable MathJax in presentation mode? #12

Open borkdude opened 11 years ago

borkdude commented 11 years ago

I'm not at home enough in javascript/clojurescript, so alas I have no code attached. It would be useful if MathJax kept working in presentation mode. Is this an easy adaptation to the existing code?

borkdude commented 11 years ago

A possible fix:

Call (.Queue js/MathJax.Hub (into-array ["Typeset",MathJax.Hub])) at the end of show-slide:

(defn show-slide [{:keys [id html]}]
  (set-location-fragment id)
  (set! (. (dom/getElement "current-slide") -innerHTML) html)
  (.Queue js/MathJax.Hub (into-array ["Typeset",MathJax.Hub]))

Two problems: