relevance / org-html-slideshow

JavaScript presentation slides generated from Emacs org-mode
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publishing to web? #16

Closed jaydixit closed 10 years ago

jaydixit commented 10 years ago

Have you had success publishing org-html-slideshow presentations to the web?

It seems like figuring out how to automatically upload images, CSS files, and other local assets could get complicated. Do you have any thoughts about how to do this?

jblomo commented 10 years ago

I publish slides to the web in two ways:

1) using Github's gh-pages branch functionality. For example, see my set of slides from a class I teach: .

2) Copying a directory to an S3 path. Usually I will keep my slides in revision control, so the command to copy to s3 is s3cmd sync -P --exclude='*.git*' slidedeck s3://my-bucket/ . The advantages of this method are more flexibility in what you upload (eg larger media files), no indexing by google, ability to change permissions.

stuartsierra commented 10 years ago

I developed org-html-slideshow for in-person presentations only. I never even tested for compatibility with any browsers other than Google Chrome.