relevance / org-html-slideshow

JavaScript presentation slides generated from Emacs org-mode
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using googleVis? #6

Closed gtuckerkellogg closed 11 years ago

gtuckerkellogg commented 12 years ago

I noticed a nice use of knitr to create interactive slide presentations with googleVis and R on My first thought was to do this in org using org-html-slideshow, and a simple attempt is at the gist . (note that I've included the googleVis org-babel output, so you can see the results by exporting the org file even if you don't have the R packages). The issue is that while the normal R graphics work fine, the googleVis graphics do not display when I toggle to slideshow mode. Is this my issue, or is this a limitation of org-html-slideshow?

(I know the doc says to move the javascript to the end, but it doesn't seem to work in that case either)

stuartsierra commented 11 years ago

Gist has been deleted and I don't understand the request.