17 116.6 [F]ail -- pass the failure of this step to the parent step (which can be retried)
17 116.6 [S]kip this step
17 116.6 [R]EPL -- open a REPL so you can debug things
17 116.6 [Q]uit the build script (or return to the top level if running from the REPL) [T/F/S/R/Q] Execution error (NullPointerException) at metabuild-common.input/read-line-with-prompt (input.clj:28).
Hi I am trying to use metabase docker version v0.45.4.3 and I cant seem to build the file
Ran into the issue below
17 116.6 Step "Build driver :sparksql-databricks (edition = :oss, options = {:project-dir \"/build/driver\", :target-dir \"/build/driver/target\"})" failed with error nil
17 116.6 What would you like to do?
17 116.6 [T]ry this step again
17 116.6 [F]ail -- pass the failure of this step to the parent step (which can be retried)
17 116.6 [S]kip this step
17 116.6 [R]EPL -- open a REPL so you can debug things
17 116.6 [Q]uit the build script (or return to the top level if running from the REPL) [T/F/S/R/Q] Execution error (NullPointerException) at metabuild-common.input/read-line-with-prompt (input.clj:28).
17 116.7 null
17 116.7
17 116.7 Full report at:
17 116.7 /tmp/clojure-8214576854257471550.edn
executor failed running [/bin/sh -c clojure -Sdeps "{:aliases {:sparksql-databricks {:extra-deps {com.metabase/sparksql-databricks {:local/root \"/build/driver\"}}}}}" -X:build:sparksql-databricks build-drivers.build-driver/build-driver! "{:driver :sparksql-databricks, :project-dir \"/build/driver\", :target-dir \"/build/driver/target\"}"]: exit code: 1