rellermeyer / course_os

CS 439 course OS
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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LCD Driver for ILI9341 Controller #37

Open FernandezR opened 8 years ago

FernandezR commented 8 years ago

Create drive for LCD with ILI9341 controller

FernandezR commented 8 years ago

Created the initialization function for the LCD and a header file containing the registers for the ILI9341 controller.

FernandezR commented 8 years ago

I have been researching different ways of implementing the driver in course os, as there are various ways to do. To name a few is the framebuffer implementation used in linux and the user space spi implementation used with many raspberry pi setups. Currently, I am concentrating on the framebuffer method. But this is proving difficult to do alone as there is a great deal of library support that is required.

FernandezR commented 8 years ago

As a way to get around the library support I have been researching if the ILI9341 controller can be set into a text mode. This will allow for a much more simplified driver that will provide the amount of support that would be needed by course os.

FernandezR commented 8 years ago

This driver requires much more work to be completed, it will need a group of people to work together to complete the implementation as there are multiple levels required to be implemented for the LCD driver to operate properly, which is difficult for one person.