remance / Masendor

Open source educational and historical battle action game, All helps accepted
MIT License
142 stars 31 forks source link

Issue that I'm pretty sure is ok #29

Closed Hamster-lord closed 1 year ago

Hamster-lord commented 1 year ago

Unit editor and army editor nnno work

remance commented 1 year ago

Unit editor is currently disabled for bug fixing. Army editor is not implemented yet. Will let you know when unit editor is working again.

Hamster-lord commented 1 year ago

ok thx

Hamster-lord commented 1 year ago

also in tactical mode there are a lot of errors and in arcade mode how to attack and when be soldiers are next to the enemy I can't get to to retreat including my own guy :(

remance commented 1 year ago

Can you post what kind of error occur when you test tactical mode? For the arcade mode, actually working on that right now. At the moment, arcade mode attack only work for range weapon.

Hamster-lord commented 1 year ago

2022-12-20 21:25 -- Empty method is called /Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Masendor/gamescript/common/battle/generate_unit.pyAt Line35:generate_unit2022-12-20 21:25 -- Empty method is called /Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Masendor/gamescript/common/battle/generate_unit.pyAt Line35:generate_unit2022-12-20 21:25 -- Empty method is called /Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Masendor/gamescript/common/battle/generate_unit.pyAt Line35:generate_unit2022-12-20 21:25 -- Empty method is called /Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Masendor/gamescript/common/battle/generate_unit.pyAt Line35:generate_unit2022-12-20 21:25 -- Empty method is called /Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Masendor/gamescript/common/battle/generate_unit.pyAt Line35:generate_unit2022-12-20 21:25 -- Empty method is called /Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Masendor/gamescript/common/battle/generate_unit.pyAt Line35:generate_unit2022-12-20 21:25 -- Empty method is called /Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Masendor/gamescript/common/battle/generate_unit.pyAt Line35:generate_unit2022-12-20 21:25 -- Empty method is called /Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Masendor/gamescript/common/battle/generate_unit.pyAt Line35:generate_unit2022-12-20 21:25 -- Empty method is called /Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Masendor/gamescript/common/battle/generate_unit.pyAt Line35:generate_unit2022-12-20 21:25 -- Empty method is called /Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Masendor/gamescript/common/battle/generate_unit.pyAt Line35:generate_unit2022-12-20 21:25 -- Empty method is called /Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Masendor/gamescript/common/battle/generate_unit.pyAt Line35:generate_unit2022-12-20 21:25 -- Empty method is called /Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Masendor/gamescript/common/battle/generate_unit.pyAt Line35:generate_unit2022-12-20 21:25 -- Empty method is called /Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Masendor/gamescript/common/battle/generate_unit.pyAt Line35:generate_unit2022-12-20 21:25 -- Empty method is called /Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Masendor/gamescript/common/battle/generate_unit.pyAt Line35:generate_unit2022-12-20 21:25 -- Empty method is called /Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Masendor/gamescript/common/battle/generate_unit.pyAt Line35:generate_unit2022-12-20 21:25 -- Empty method is called /Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Masendor/gamescript/common/battle/generate_unit.pyAt Line35:generate_unit2022-12-20 21:25 -- Empty method is called /Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Masendor/gamescript/common/battle/generate_unit.pyAt Line35:generate_unit2022-12-20 21:25 -- Empty method is called /Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Masendor/gamescript/common/battle/generate_unit.pyAt Line35:generate_unit2022-12-20 21:25 -- Empty method is called /Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Masendor/gamescript/common/battle/generate_unit.pyAt Line35:generate_unit2022-12-20 21:25 -- Empty method is called /Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Masendor/gamescript/common/battle/generate_unit.pyAt Line35:generate_unit!! Traceback (most recent call last): !! File "/Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Masendor/", line 12, in runmenu = game.Game(main_dir, error_log) !! File "/Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Masendor/gamescript/", line 718, in init !! File "/Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Masendor/gamescript/", line 1113, in run self.menu_team_select(mouse_left_up, mouse_left_down, mouse_scroll_up, mouse_scroll_down, esc_press) !! File "/Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Masendor/gamescript/common/game/", line 78, in menu_team_select self.start_battle() !! File "/Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Masendor/gamescript/common/game/", line 11, in start_battle self.battle_game.run_game() !! File "/Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Masendor/gamescript/", line 942, in run_game self.subunit_updater.update(self.current_weather, self.dt, self.camera_zoom, !! File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pygame/", line 539, in update sprite.update(*args, **kwargs) !! File "/Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Masendor/gamescript/", line 588, in update self.status_update(weather=weather) !! File "/Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Masendor/gamescript/common/subunit/", line 207, in status_update self.special_effect[effect][0][1] = True !! KeyError: 2

remance commented 1 year ago

Seem like this is error from older version. The newest commit update should already fix it.

Hamster-lord commented 1 year ago

where is it?

Hamster-lord commented 1 year ago

oh found it but it says

Hamster-lord commented 1 year ago

!! Traceback (most recent call last): !! File "/Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Hampter/", line 12, in game.Game(main_dir, error_log) !! File "/Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Hampter/gamescript/", line 716, in init self.change_game_genre(self.genre) !! File "/Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Hampter/gamescript/", line 1004, in change_game_genre self.change_ruleset() !! File "/Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Hampter/gamescript/", line 776, in change_ruleset self.troop_animation = datasprite.TroopAnimationData(self.main_dir, !! File "/Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Hampter/gamescript/", line 197, in init imgs = load_textures(main_dir, !! File "/Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Hampter/gamescript/common/", line 113, in load_textures load_order_file.sort(key=lambda var: [int(x) if x.isdigit() else x for x in re.findall(r"[^0-9]|[0-9]+", var)]) !! TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int'

Hamster-lord commented 1 year ago

uh hello?

remance commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the delay. Not quite certain what cause this error but the newest update should fix it.

Hamster-lord commented 1 year ago

still no work

Hamster-lord commented 1 year ago

!! Traceback (most recent call last): !! File "/Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Hampter/", line 12, in game.Game(main_dir, error_log) !! File "/Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Hampter/gamescript/", line 716, in init self.change_game_genre(self.genre) !! File "/Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Hampter/gamescript/", line 1004, in change_game_genre self.change_ruleset() !! File "/Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Hampter/gamescript/", line 776, in change_ruleset self.troop_animation = datasprite.TroopAnimationData(self.main_dir, !! File "/Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Hampter/gamescript/", line 197, in init imgs = load_textures(main_dir, !! File "/Users/Emma/Documents/GitHub/Hampter/gamescript/common/", line 113, in load_textures load_order_file.sort(key=lambda var: [int(x) if x.isdigit() else x for x in re.findall(r"[^0-9]|[0-9]+", var)]) !! TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int'

remance commented 1 year ago

Can you try update the project again? the newer version doesn't use load_textures function anymore, so the one you are using seem to still be the old version I think.


Just press on the update button if you are running it on pycharm.

Hamster-lord commented 1 year ago

same error

Hamster-lord commented 1 year ago

I will just restart everything

Hamster-lord commented 1 year ago

It works now

remance commented 1 year ago

ah ok great to hear.

Hamster-lord commented 1 year ago


Hamster-lord commented 1 year ago

question: How old are you?

Hamster-lord commented 1 year ago

This crazy for someone young so I'm just asking and you should publish this when your done

Hamster-lord commented 1 year ago

what is "Invalid path to Command Line Tools"

remance commented 1 year ago

This error in pycharm?

Hamster-lord commented 1 year ago
Screen Shot 2022-12-28 at 9 26 02 AM
Hamster-lord commented 1 year ago

what to do?

remance commented 1 year ago

This issue seem to be only on macOS. I am not perfectly certain if I know the fix to your issue but from looking around.

This may fix it :

So just run "xcode-select --install" on pycharm terminal


Hamster-lord commented 1 year ago

I got this

Hamster-lord commented 1 year ago

xcode-select: error: command line tools are already installed, use "Software Update" to install updates

Hamster-lord commented 1 year ago

When I try to update I get

Hamster-lord commented 1 year ago

7:07 p.m. Cannot Run Git Invalid path to Command Line Tools Fix Path

7:07 p.m. Update canceled

Hamster-lord commented 1 year ago

Also what works in the thing? Because some of the things I'm trying to use cause an error

remance commented 1 year ago

Does this issue occur after you update your os? Seem like it is common for every macOS update.

Another suggestion is to run sudo xcode-select --reset then do xcode-select --install again

Hamster-lord commented 1 year ago

why does it want a password for the second one?

remance commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately I have no idea. It is probably easier to just reinstall pycharm/git I would guess.

Hamster-lord commented 1 year ago

Oh I just needed to update my computer

remance commented 1 year ago

Nice. Seem like macOS is a bit troublesome to use for these kinds of stuff it seem.

Hamster-lord commented 1 year ago
