remance / Masendor

Open source educational and historical battle action game, All helps accepted
MIT License
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Map editor #51

Open RybenHill opened 1 year ago

RybenHill commented 1 year ago

Map editor tool to create new maps.

The first tool prototype can be a simple bitmap editor allowing the user to create the files required for a battle map: base.png feature.png height.png place_name.png

with the brush colours restricted to the RGB code matching each terrain type.

RybenHill commented 1 year ago

Other files with relevant data for maps are:

info_en.csv music_event.csv source_en.csv eventlog_en.csv map_event.csv troop_pos.csv weather.csv

As seen in example:


remance commented 1 year ago

This pygame project is quite similar to what you suggest:

I haven't test it yet myself though. But it may help us formulate our own tool.

Jotash45 commented 1 year ago

Wow 😳 Based on Deluxe Paint. A classic

It's going to be interesting having a look.

I already started writing a prototype with pyqt, I know the game engine is based on pygame but I considered it would be easier for me to just make the editor app with qt.

As soon as I get a minimal working version I will upload it for you to review

remance commented 1 year ago

Looking forward to it.