remance / Masendor

Open source educational and historical battle action game, All helps accepted
MIT License
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font declaration error #72

Open Python-Sargent opened 1 year ago

Python-Sargent commented 1 year ago

You seem to have called 'Font' incorrectly:

File "C:\Users\user\Documents\Masendor\Masendor-\engine\game\", line 12, in loading_screen
    font = pygame.Font(self.ui_font["main_button"], int(60 * self.screen_scale[1]))
AttributeError: module 'pygame' has no attribute 'Font'

(full traceback not included)

EDIT: this is how I would normally do it:

font = pygame.font.Font(fontFile, fontSize)

doesn't crash with:

font = pygame.font.Font(self.ui_font["main_button"], int(60 * self.screen_scale[1]))
Python-Sargent commented 1 year ago

This may be an error with normal pygame messing with pygame_ce.

For example, I get this error, which descriptly says (with a comment) that it's for pygame_ce:

self.battle_map.draw_image(self.battle_base_map, self.battle_feature_map, place_name_map, self.camp_pos)
  File "C:\Users\user\Documents\Masendor\Masendor-\engine\battlemap\", line 242, in draw_image
    self.image = pygame.transform.gaussian_blur(self.image, radius=4)  # pygame.ce only, a bit faster
AttributeError: module 'pygame.transform' has no attribute 'gaussian_blur'

you may want to import these differently to fix this, I'm not sure how pygame_ce works.

Note: I'm using the package version for now.

And I can't just uninstall pygame as I use it for some of my other projects.

remance commented 1 year ago

Hmm yeah those errors are likely to be because of Pygame and pygame-ce being installed both. Your system probably pick pygame for the game. Maybe it is better to stick with Pygame. I assume the package version works fine for you?

Python-Sargent commented 1 year ago

No, since I'm using the package version I'm not sure what you saying.

I'm not sure how I should get it to work with just pygame.

delete the gaussion_blur() line in

Python-Sargent commented 1 year ago

I commented all calls to the blur function, and I get:

pickle.dump(new_data, handle)
  File "C:\Users\user\Documents\Masendor\Masendor-\engine\data\", line 53, in __getstate__
    return (pygame.image.tobytes(self.surface, "RGBA"), self.surface.get_size())
AttributeError: module 'pygame.image' has no attribute 'tobytes'

Another pygame_ce usage, maybe.

Python-Sargent commented 1 year ago

any way to import pygame_ce in main instead of change all the calls in the various files?

remance commented 1 year ago

any way to import pygame_ce in main instead of change all the calls in the various files?

I am not sure. It should be easy to change requirements and some part of code from using pygame-ce to just pygame. But probably not possible to do specific import like you mentioned.

remance commented 1 year ago

Ok the new update change pygame-ce requirement to pygame and fix parts of the error you reported. The game should work now on your end. Let me know how it goes.

Python-Sargent commented 1 year ago

Still getting the tobytes error:

File "C:\Users\user\Documents\GitHub\Masendor\engine\data\", line 53, in __getstate__
    return (pygame.image.tobytes(self.surface, "RGBA"), self.surface.get_size())
AttributeError: module 'pygame.image' has no attribute 'tobytes'
Python-Sargent commented 1 year ago

I also had to fix the missing files error again, but it was pretty easy to do.

From what it looks like all the files are there but aren't named in a way that the engine is looking for.

remance commented 1 year ago

Hmm weird, I never get this error before. By the way you probably should uninstall pygame-ce now in case there are conflicts with normal pygame. Also for reference, what OS are you using?

Python-Sargent commented 1 year ago

I'm using Windows 10 because my PC is broke. It's an old Lenovo laptop.

Python-Sargent commented 1 year ago

Another bug here, must be a nil variable or something:

File "C:\Users\user\Documents\GitHub\Masendor\engine\game\", line 308, in create_sprite
    animation_sprite_pool[sprite_id] = load_pickle_with_surfaces(cache_file_path)
  File "C:\Users\user\Documents\GitHub\Masendor\engine\data\", line 36, in load_pickle_with_surfaces
    data = pickle.load(handle)
EOFError: Ran out of input
remance commented 1 year ago
EOFError: Ran out of input

Seem to be an issue of empty cache file. Maybe the game crashed or closed while the cache data being stored. A quick fix would be to remove cache folder in the game folder. But thanks for mentioning this, need to add a function to catch this error in game code so the game can recreate cache file again.

Python-Sargent commented 1 year ago

Deleting cache doesn't do anything. Also, I don't think it was because of a crash corruption, seeing as I've never gotten far enough to totally load anything that should be cached.

remance commented 1 year ago

That is weird because "data = pickle.load(handle)" is for cache file loading.

Still getting the tobytes error:

File "C:\Users\user\Documents\GitHub\Masendor\engine\data\", line 53, in __getstate__
    return (pygame.image.tobytes(self.surface, "RGBA"), self.surface.get_size())
AttributeError: module 'pygame.image' has no attribute 'tobytes'

Do you still get this error also? Can you post your python package? Maybe it is issue of incompatible pygame version.

Python-Sargent commented 1 year ago

I'm using everything latest.

I'm not sure what else is causing it to crash.

Python 3.10.4
Name: pygame
Version: 2.5.0
Summary: Python Game Development
Author: A community project.
License: LGPL
Location: c:\users\user\appdata\local\programs\python\python310\lib\site-packages
Required-by: pgzero
remance commented 1 year ago

The error makes no sense because tobytes is a function for pygame.image for both normal Pygame and Pygame-ce. Maybe worth making new clean virtual environment?

Python-Sargent commented 1 year ago

pardon my stupidity, but why do people put 'extra' dots (.) in URLs, is that a european thing or somthing?

Also, I using vanilla Python 3, so it's not with a virtualenv, I'm using the version I installed on the system.

remance commented 1 year ago

Dunno about URL extra dots to be honest. Probably related to domain or specific HTML structure or something.

I would recommend you setup virtualenv for each project or maybe, one for your working and one for other purposes. That way it will be much easier to avoid package issues and a bit easier to organise.

Python-Sargent commented 1 year ago

Same error with virtualenv.

Not sure what's wrong.

Note: I followed your advice and this is a local virtualenv, in the Masendor directory.

Python-Sargent commented 1 year ago

I reset it and changed the requirements.txt to show pygame_ce~=2.3.1.

Re-ran the pip install in a new virtualenv, and crashed like before.

remance commented 1 year ago

So it crash for both pygame-ce and normal pygame? Both same error? I assume it the AttributeError: module 'pygame.image' has no attribute 'tobytes'

Python-Sargent commented 1 year ago

Yes, sorry for not being clear.

remance commented 1 year ago

Very weird for sure, wonder what the issue stem from.