remap-keys / remap

Keymap Customization Web app for your keyboard.
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Add a new feature to support building a firmware #773

Closed yoichiro closed 9 months ago

yoichiro commented 10 months ago

This pull request provides a new feature to build a firmware in the backend of Remap server.

For keyboard registers/degisners

A new tab "BUILD" is added in the keyboard management page which the keyboard is already approved. The registerer/degisner adds firmware files like the following:

The registerer/designer can embed customization points in each file. <remap /> tag is used to embed them.

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For keyboard users

A new "BUILD" tab is added in each keyboard catalog page.

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When pressing the "BUILD FIRMWARE" button, a new dialog is displayed. The dialog has a UI to specify customization points which are detected from each registered firmware file. Users can sprcify the parameter value of each customization point on the dialog.

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When pressing the "BUILD" button, a new building firmware task is registered. The time to build the firmware will be in a few minutes.

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When completing the building task, the standard output/error will be shown.

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If the building task is succeeded, users can download and flash the firmware binary file directly from the page.

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Limitation logics
