Open ar5had opened 7 years ago
Thanks for the tutorial request @arshdkhn1
I'm currently wrapping up a video on refactoring a React app from ES5 to ES6 syntax. Afterwards, I have to finish #4 before I can start this tutorial. It'll take me some time because I'm currently under heavy workload. Thanks for understanding!
If possible please try to implement it using jwt as well as anyother technique that's possible. I am not sure whether jwt is the only wway to do this.
Title: Implement social login and local login Passport strategies in react app powered by React-router using Client-side-routing.
Implementing social login while using node.js and server side routing is quite easy but implementing it with react-router with client side routing and safely bypass all the security issues is not that easy. Please try to make a tutorial for it.
Useful Link -
Thank you very much.