rembo10 / headphones

Automatic music downloader for SABnzbd
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Renaming between single CD albums and multiple CD albums #3203

Closed sukhysall closed 4 years ago

sukhysall commented 5 years ago

Headphones ver. dc22bb006d8b076c16cc5784712ee0b72a03276d

Hiya, so I'm new to Headphones and I haven't imported my library though the application yet as I want to get the naming right.

I am trying to configure the 'File Format' string in 'Advanced Settings' such that when I have an album with tracks across 2 discs, the disc number is present and where I only have a single disc album, no disc number should be present. I've googled and looked through the previous issues and I've tried playing with the format but with no joy.

My current 'File Format' config is: $Artist - $Album {-'$disc'} - $Track - $Title

This gives me the following:

Single disc Album (Adele '21'): Adele - 21 - 01 - Rolling in the Deep

Double disc album (Lunascape - 'Innerside'): Lunascape - Innerside - 01 - Outside (Should be Lunascape - Innerside - 1 - 01 - Outside) Lunascape - Innerside - 01 - Raven Star (Should be Lunascape - Innerside - 2 - 01 - Raven Star)

So....The Adele track looks good. It's a single disc album and there's no hint of a disc number which is good. BUT the Lunascape album has 2 tracks both labelled as Track 01 where they should have a prefix of '1' for the track Outside and '2' for 'Raven Star'

Any help would be greatly appreciated in resolving this.

sukhysall commented 5 years ago

Just re-reading some of the similar issues here. I need to ask now, is it even possible for me to have 2 disc album tracks in a single album folder?

Or would I be better off with just configuring an album with 2 discs to keep the tracks separated in 2 separate folders?

For the life of me I can't remember why I didn't do the latter before. I think it's because if I chose to take for example, track 1 from disc 1 and track 1 from disc 2 rather then all the songs; at least the tracks would be correctly named with the identifying disc number.

So I figure I can go back to a naming convention of Artist > Album > Disc1/Disc2 (where multi CD naming is required if it is NOT possible to rename the files with an optional disc number.

@rembo10 @andrzejc please help?