rembo10 / headphones

Automatic music downloader for SABnzbd
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Headphones unable to finish GET request from Jackett #3241

Open SergeantPanda opened 4 years ago

SergeantPanda commented 4 years ago

I am having a similar issue. I am sending to a Deluge client that is on a VM. It works perfectly fine for TPB and others but does not work for anything on Jackett.

I can use the same links from Jackett in Sonarr and Radarr without any problems.

One thing I did find interesting in my testing is when I was using "localhost" as the hostname for Jackett, the links that Headphones created in the log files would not work. As soon as I changed from "localhost" to the pc name (ubuntuserver) or the links actually worked.

Headphones never progresses after the GET request.

2020-02-29 22:29:18 DEBUG   Requesting URL via GET method: http://ubuntuserver:9117/dl/limetorrents/?jackett_apikey=ug32ubd5u7ktxab3lewfbkcehcj32753&path=Q2ZESjhNMGgwSk1EX2VaTWpVLXA1T0lROU42Wm9tUzJ1QVlYSU9vSlNzcEozV2tMTGlERXBHM2hKTUhPUkZyNDVvMmVoeG5Ybk5UY3Yyb3hDck50OXJ3Tzh1eTNTQ05UR2tsNnRKX1duVXVreU0tZ2ttTEE0MzdaQ0Q4UkFGVzFHeGVlZ3dRX01kQ3l3OG5VSGtaUkQ4MWRiQWw5cW5QakR3SHZlanl5V2tKNkdfZmdJYU1nNmM3a29QaEEtQkxBUUtxSk9hN3ZwYUJLb3NsVzUtYjh6M2E4NzZTQnpQaTd5cXVUbHV6LUE5aDI1QzUt&file=Ed+Sheeran+-+X+-+2014+%5BFLAC%5D+%5BRLG%5D
2020-02-29 22:29:18 INFO    Making sure we can download the chosen result

It may be worth mentioning that I did try the black-hole method but it never worked with that either (not surprising since it doesn't get past the GET request).

Originally posted by @SergeantPanda in