rembo10 / headphones

Automatic music downloader for SABnzbd
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.35k stars 603 forks source link

No album/ artist found in current Music dir #3290

Closed Sylrob434 closed 2 years ago

Sylrob434 commented 2 years ago

Good Morning,

I reinstalled on a new QNAP, I'm working with Headphones for almost 2 years on the older withouit a problem. I installed the latest Headphone docker version and add a HOST folder to the docker,, I tripled check the path and it's working with a terminal command executed from the headphone docker see image 1. But the scan of the library take almost 1 second and found nothing see Image 2?

How can I help to solved this ?

image image

Best Regards,


rembo10 commented 2 years ago

I think it might be related to #3288. There's something up with the library scanning. What version of python? What branch? Master? I will update the mutagen library, it might have something to do with it but I'm not 100% sure yet

Sylrob434 commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'm using the docker version so it's the latest one available !. I was under the impression that the python version is included in the docker !?. Anyway the current python version running on the qnap is: 3.9.6

For the Headphone version I just stop and restart the Docker !. I'm using the master branch ! I can't see the version on the web page so there is the docker screenshot after restart ! image



Sylrob434 commented 2 years ago

Sorry closed the request by mistake !

rembo10 commented 2 years ago

What command did you run in the first image? It's actually not related to #3288.... It seems like from what you said that you've definitely mapped the /multimedia2/Music directory to the docker container?

Sylrob434 commented 2 years ago


Exactly, it show you that /multimedia2/Music has artist with album in it and it's accessible from the docker, but putting /multimedia2/Music in the manage section give nothing !.

The Command was a simple ls /multimedia2/Music from the Terminal option in the container station of the QNAP !

This is what I have in the LOG after svaing the path in the manage section 8-Feb-2022 19:51:40 - INFO :: ('CP Server Thread-11',) : Verbose toggled, set to True 08-Feb-2022 19:51:40 - DEBUG :: ('CP Server Thread-11',) : If you read this message, debug logging is available 08-Feb-2022 19:51:46 - INFO :: ('CP Server Thread-4',) : Writing configuration to file 08-Feb-2022 19:51:46 - INFO :: Thread-13 : Scanning music directory: /multimedia2/Music/ 08-Feb-2022 19:51:46 - INFO :: Thread-13 : 0 new/modified tracks found and added to the database 08-Feb-2022 19:51:46 - INFO :: Thread-13 : Found 0 new/modified tracks in /multimedia2/Music/ 08-Feb-2022 19:51:46 - INFO :: Thread-13 : Matching tracks to the appropriate releases.... 08-Feb-2022 19:51:46 - INFO :: Thread-13 : Completed matching tracks from /multimedia2/Music/ 08-Feb-2022 19:51:46 - INFO :: Thread-13 : Updating scanned artist track counts 08-Feb-2022 19:51:46 - INFO :: Thread-13 : Found 0 new artists 08-Feb-2022 19:51:46 - INFO :: Thread-13 : Fetching similar artists from Last.FM for tag cloud 08-Feb-2022 19:51:46 - DEBUG :: Thread-13 : Fetched 0 artists from Last.FM 08-Feb-2022 19:51:46 - DEBUG :: Thread-13 : Inserted 0 artists into Last.FM tag cloud 08-Feb-2022 19:51:46 - INFO :: Thread-13 : Library scan complete

What can I give to help ?


rembo10 commented 2 years ago

How bizarre. I know it sounds crazy but can you try removing the trailing slash from the path? (i.e. /multimedia2/Music)

Sylrob434 commented 2 years ago

Good Afternoon,

No Isn't sounding crazy I'm programming for 40 years now and it can be the mistake but it wasn't ! image

Sylrob434 commented 2 years ago

Also when we update Headphone the container restart until I stop it and start it again !. Saying that port 8181 is in use !

rembo10 commented 2 years ago

Can you show me the config where you have the directory mapped to the container?

Sylrob434 commented 2 years ago

When you install the docker you have the option to map folder from the container or from the host in the container station after that you vahe to manipulate the mount config file for the docker, anyway there is my config screen for the Docker !




Here is the Json config for the docker image

Sylrob434 commented 2 years ago

Really sorry for this one, my Docker wan't using the right user to access the Host mount :(

Please accept my apologies

rembo10 commented 2 years ago

Ah annoying. Is it something that might need to be fixed with the docker image?

No worries, glad you got it sorted

Sylrob434 commented 2 years ago

No there is nothing to fix in the Headphone Docker, it's a setting that I wasn't aware of, and there is no mention of it in the QNAP DOC, I found it reading about linux docker, don't know if it's the same setup for all LXC docker under Linux ??. what make me wrong is that the terminal command linked to the docker reported no error when I did a LS to the folder and listed all sudfolder !!! :(

For the record under QNAP you should add to the environnment variable de UID of the User and the GID (group ID) of the user in the docker PUID= GUID=

HTH in the future !

Best Regards and thank you for your patience and wonderful support !
