remcohaszing / pywakeonlan

A small python module for wake on lan.
MIT License
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IPv6 usage is confusing #34

Open thomasschaeferm opened 7 months ago

thomasschaeferm commented 7 months ago

At an ipv6-only host I get only that

rpi:~ # wakeonlan -6 1C:6F:65:C9:87:46
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/root/.local/bin/wakeonlan", line 8, in <module>
  File "/root/.local/share/pipx/venvs/wakeonlan/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/wakeonlan/", line 127, in main
  File "/root/.local/share/pipx/venvs/wakeonlan/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/wakeonlan/", line 74, in send_magic_packet
    sock.connect((ip_address, port))
OSError: address family mismatched
rpi:~ # 

without -6 option it also doesn't work:

rpi:~ # wakeonlan  1C:6F:65:C9:87:46
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/root/.local/bin/wakeonlan", line 8, in <module>
  File "/root/.local/share/pipx/venvs/wakeonlan/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/wakeonlan/", line 127, in main
  File "/root/.local/share/pipx/venvs/wakeonlan/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/wakeonlan/", line 74, in send_magic_packet
    sock.connect((ip_address, port))
OSError: [Errno 101] Network is unreachable
rpi:~ # 
remcohaszing commented 5 months ago

Whether to use ipv6, is detected automatically from the ip address given. It’s also possible to pass a domain name, e.g. localhost or If a domain is passed, the ip version can’t be used automatically. The -6 flag is to support domain names that use ipv6. If the network is unreachable, you can try explicitly specifying the interface to use using the -n flag.

Pinging @alimg for verification, because they implemented this feature in #26.

thomasschaeferm commented 4 months ago

usage: wakeonlan [-h] [-6] [-i ip] [-p port] [-n interface] mac address [mac address ...]

./wakeonlan -n eth0 -6 -i 2001:a61:483:c901:1e6f:65ff:fec9:8746

wakeonlan: error: the following arguments are required: mac address

./wakeonlan -n eth0 -6 or ./wakeonlan -n eth0 -6 1C:6F:65:C9:87:46

dont work

You write a tool as not planned to work. That is crazy.

alimg commented 4 months ago

@thomasschaeferm, the error message you got in your first command clearly states what was missing. You must always provide a mac address along with the ip address. The -i option is not a substitute of mac address, so your command line should look like ./wakeonlan -n eth0 -6 -i <ip-or-hostname> <mac-address>

The limitation @remcohaszing mentioned about automatic ipv6 detection with domains is true. I should clarify although its not explicitly documented in the CLI help message, the -i option actually accepts an hostname in place of an ip address.

Please also note that the CLI defaults to broadcast ip ( when the -i option is omitted. This is not a valid ipv6 address, so if your interface does not have an ipv4 there is nothing that the tool can actually do. There is no such thing as broadcast ip in ipv6 networks. If you are looking for waking up more than one machine in your network, I suppose your best bet is to figure out a multicast address that works for you.

hslabbert commented 4 months ago

So the -i is optional for IPv4 and if omitted defaults to IPv4 broadcast (, but is mandatory in IPv6? Which then probably leads to the issue here where the CLI help indicates the parameter as optional, but in some cases it is actually mandatory?

Why not use the all nodes multicast for IPv6 in order to mirror the IPv4 behaviour? The interface is then already supplied in that case, so it should be able to construct ff02::1%<interface> for the all nodes multicast out that interface?

thomasschaeferm commented 4 months ago

other tools

./pywake 1C:6F:65:C9:87:46
sending IPv6 packet to IP ff02::1 for MAC 1C:6F:65:C9:87:46
remcohaszing commented 4 months ago

@thomasschaeferm wrote:

You write a tool as not planned to work. That is crazy.

Be respectful. This is an OSS project that’s created and maintained by volunteers, so you get to use it for free.

remcohaszing commented 4 months ago

My takeaway from further discussion is that this project does work as intented, but it has some confusing behaviour. I’m thinking of the following solution:

These are breaking changes, so this requires a semver major release.

Any thoughts?