remcohaszing / rehype-mermaid

A rehype plugin to render mermaid diagrams
MIT License
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Some diagrams doesn't work with rehype-raw plugin #17

Closed stereobooster closed 4 months ago

stereobooster commented 4 months ago

About issue

This is not a bug in your code. Just want to let you know about it:

import { unified } from "unified";
import remarkParse from "remark-parse";
import remarkRehype from "remark-rehype";
import rehypeMermaid from "rehype-mermaid";
import rehypeRaw from "rehype-raw";
import rehypeStringify from "rehype-stringify";

const markdown = `
    showValues: false

Agricultural 'waste',Bio-conversion,10

const file = await unified()

  /<g style="mix-blend-mode: multiply;" class="link">(.*?)<\/g>/

Without rehype-raw it would generate:

<g style="mix-blend-mode: multiply;" class="link"><linearGradient x2="295" x1="10" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" id="linearGradient-4"><stop stop-color="#4e79a7" offset="0%"></stop><stop stop-color="#f28e2c" offset="100%"></stop></linearGradient><path stroke-width="400" stroke="url(#linearGradient-4)" d="M10,200C152.5,200,152.5,200,295,200"></path></g>

With rehype-raw it would generate:

<g style="mix-blend-mode: multiply;" class="link"><linearGradient x2="295" x1="10" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" id="linearGradient-4"><stop stop-color="#4e79a7" offset="0%"></stop><stop stop-color="#f28e2c" offset="100%"></stop><path stroke-width="400" stroke="url(#linearGradient-4)" d="M10,200C152.5,200,152.5,200,295,200"></path></linearGradient></g>

It changes position of closing tag </linearGradient>. And the second option is wrong.

About strategies

Which makes rehypePlugins: [[rehypeMermaid, { strategy: "img-svg" }]], a bit more reliable choice. But on the other hand it doesn't support css (correct?).

remcohaszing commented 4 months ago

Good catch. This is definitely a bug. I reported it upstream, but let’s keep this issue open until this is fixed. In the meantime, you could move rehypeRaw before rehypeMermaid.

remcohaszing commented 4 months ago

It’s fixed in hast-util-raw@9.0.3 :tada: