remcotjeerdsma / UnifiProtectCrx

Chrome app for Unifi Protect Live View
20 stars 4 forks source link

Setup ip issue/question #3

Closed aabhutta closed 4 years ago

aabhutta commented 4 years ago

Newbi setting it up Not sure where to access the following ‘IP-address of your Unifi Protect installation’ Is there a specific Ip for my unifi protect installation on cloud key Gen 2 plus. I have the ip that displays ok the front panel of cloud key but is this the same ip that will go into the file you have mentioned. Thanks!

remcotjeerdsma commented 4 years ago

Hi, sorry for the late reply.

See this part of the documentation:

In live-view.html, change the src of the webview to the IP-address of your Unifi Protect installation. This is tested with the non-encrypted 7080 port, please use that if possible (for performance and to avoid certificate acceptence issues for self-signed certificates). Leave the '/login?redirect=%2Fliveview' part of the URL untouched.

The IP-adress that you need is indeed the ip-adress that you see on the CKG2 front panel or the cloud key's web UI. The port (7080) makes that it is directed at the Unifi Protect/video part of the CKG2 and not the management console or network service.