remear / jewelrybox

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Download from website fails with "file not found" #81

Closed matthiasnitsch closed 12 years ago

matthiasnitsch commented 12 years ago

Cant't download because of file not found. Is there any other source to get the download from?

londospark commented 12 years ago

I can confirm that this is also happening to me.

remear commented 12 years ago

My apologies. We're in the process of server migrations. Can you see if it works now?

mtheoryx commented 12 years ago

The download worked fine for me today.

suprawsm commented 12 years ago

Is there any alternative source where I can find the download? Having trouble downloading it (file not found).

remear commented 12 years ago

Has this issue been resolved for any of you yet? If not, please provide the results of ping and nslookup and

londospark commented 12 years ago

It's just worked for me as well thanks.

suprawsm commented 12 years ago

Same here, I just got it.. Thanks.

remear commented 12 years ago

Sorry for the downtime. The old DNS host held onto entries it shouldn't have. Yak successfully shaved.

Thanks for using JewelryBox!

mtheoryx commented 12 years ago

Yep, working fine now.