remg427 / misp42splunk

A Splunk app to use MISP in background
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Unable to Create a multiple events on misp #202

Closed helloworldnono closed 2 years ago

helloworldnono commented 2 years ago

I am trying to create a multiple events but somehow able to create a single event in MISP with object & attribute. Looks like i am missing something. Here is the sample command i have created

| makeresults count=3 | streamstats count | eval malware_family = case(count=1 OR count=3, "virlock", count=2 OR count=4, "makop") | strcat allrequired=f "My-Daily " malware_family " Activity Report " _time title | eval misp_info = title | eval tag_1 = "tlp:amber" | eval tag_3 = "confidence:high" | eval tag_4 = "attack-pattern:malspam" | eval tag_2 = "my-Collection" | eval misp_tag_known = tag_1 + "," + tag_2 + "," + tag_3 + "," + tag_4 | eval tag_5 = "confidence:low" | eval misp_tag_unknown = tag_1 + "," + tag_2 + "," + tag_5 + "," + tag_4 | eval misp_tag= if(malware_family=="no_match_found" OR malware_family=="unknown",misp_tag_unknown,misp_tag_known) | eval misp_info = title | eval eo_from = "" | eval eo_to = "" | eval eo_attachment = "file_name" | eval eo_subject = "subject" | fields - malware_family misp_tag_known misp_tag_unknown tag_1 tag_2 tag_3 tag_4 tag_5 count title | sendalert misp_alert_create_event param.misp_instance=MISP param.title="not_sure" param.description="my_first_test" param.distribution=1 param.threatlevel=3 param.analysis=0 param.tlp=TLP_AMBER param.pap=PAP_AMBER param.publish_on_creation=0

when i run this command, single MISP event gets generated along with attribute and object. I want to create two events based on the MISP info and respective attributes and objects are written into each event.

Not sure that's achievable or not.

Thanks in advance

remg427 commented 2 years ago

Hi This is achievable If you have lalest version of MISP42 you can use dashboard to build alert With your example you just need to get another field | eval unique=misp_info And in sendalert use param.unique=unique

So rows with same misp_info will be in same events. Let me know if it works -- Sent with K-9 Mail.