remicollet / remirepo

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Fedora 41 repository #265

Open remicollet opened 1 month ago

remicollet commented 1 month ago

Notice: I choose to fully disable ZTS builds of PHP (too much issues/segfaults) starting with F41

remicollet commented 3 weeks ago

Need to choose if the repository will use 1 repo per version or modularity

Question asked to dnf maintainer in bug #2305955

EDIT: Choice done: will use modularity, despite minimal support in dnf5

remicollet commented 3 weeks ago

Notice: scl-utils is broken for new RPM version 4.20, workaround used.

remicollet commented 2 weeks ago

The repository is now fully populated (~15000 packages)

If a package is missing this is probably a mistake, tell me.