The Github Deployment Watchdog queues up when a create_deployment is requested from github. It wakes up after 30 seconds to see if there are any Github Deployment Statuses associated with the Gihub Deployment. If there are none, it will send a notification to the slack user letting them know something is wrong, otherwise it exits happily and does nothing.
Fixes #96
modified: Procfile
new file: app/messages/github_no_deployment_status_message.rb
modified: app/models/commit_status_context.rb
modified: app/models/deployment.rb
new file: app/models/deployment_status.rb
modified: app/views/messages/auto_deployment_stuck_pending.text.erb
new file: app/views/messages/github_no_deployment_status.text.erb
renamed: app/workers/deployment_watchdog_worker.rb -> app/workers/auto_deployment_watchdog_worker.rb
new file: app/workers/github_deployment_watchdog_worker.rb
modified: lib/github/client/octokit.rb
modified: lib/slashdeploy/service.rb
modified: spec/features/auto_deploy_spec.rb
modified: spec/github/client/octokit_spec.rb
The Github Deployment Watchdog queues up when a create_deployment is requested from github. It wakes up after 30 seconds to see if there are any Github Deployment Statuses associated with the Gihub Deployment. If there are none, it will send a notification to the slack user letting them know something is wrong, otherwise it exits happily and does nothing.
Fixes #96