remipichon / voc

Automatically build and deploy Docker on Swarm from Gitlab8
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Dev installation #53

Open remipichon opened 6 years ago

remipichon commented 6 years ago


install on OsX

couldn't install bundler (gem install bundler)

install on OsX via Vagrant Docker

slow and couldn't login as admin (webpack crash)

install on VPS

carefull with git repos, better have them on the same commit both on remote and local ./gitlab git pull on local and gdk update on remote

### file watch on host to sync remote
fswatch -0 -or ./gitlab/app |  xargs -0 -n 1 -I {} rsync --progress --delete -avz -e 'ssh -p 24' gitlab/app/

from host to remote exec on local

rsync --progress --delete -avz -e 'ssh -p 24' gitlab/app/

from remote to host exec on local (not for file watch)

rsync --progress --delete -avz -e 'ssh -p 24' gitlab/app/