regular Dockerfile that can be reused by any compose files
image configuration
file: image.\<resourceName>.json
push: push url and tag, need credentials for docker login
context to build image, relative from where the Dockerfile is found, shouldn't not start with '/' or '.' or '..'
default is where the Dockerfile is found
Important notice
Where the files are matters only for the relative path. File names should be unique independently from their path . (/path/to/file and /pathto/file is not accepted)
dc-name: docker compose name, should define what's in the compose file
sd-name: stack definition name, should define what does provide the stack
si-name: stack instance name, used by docker stack deploy
suffix: for instance only, optional, can be used to have more than one stack with same name. Each stack should be deployed in separate swarm of course (docker will not allow a second stack, you will get the error from docker itself)
git doesn't work when moving file as diff tree gives D and A for the same file, VOC is confusing and try to delete and add the same thing
all xx-name and suffix should match [a-zA-Z0-9_-]+
39 #34
everything below is done
stack definition and instance configurationdocker compose filefile: docker-compose.\<dc-name>.yml
stack definitionfile: stack-definition.\<sd-name>.json
stack instancefile: stack-instance.\<sd-name>.\<si-name>[.\<suffix>].json
simple stack instance (no need for stack definition)file: simple-stack-instance.\<dc-name>.\<si-name>[.\<suffix>].json
dockerfilefile: Dockerfile.
image configurationfile: image.\<resourceName>.json
Important noticeWhere the files are matters only for the relative path. File names should be unique independently from their path . (/path/to/file and /pathto/file is not accepted)
all xx-name and suffix should match [a-zA-Z0-9_-]+
peut etre que ce repo a de bon truc