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MOOC6 Final Project #593

Open petraBT opened 4 years ago

petraBT commented 4 years ago

Here are some reformulations of the questions:

  1. Which of the following commands prints the current working directory?
  2. Which of the following commands is used to remove files?
  3. I don't understand this question. I don't think we should be advertising for Mac? I also don't understand what "variant" is supposed to mean? How about "The operation system on a Macintosh computer is a variant of ... " with Linux being the correct answer.
  4. Which of the following commands is used to list the contents of a directory?
  5. I don't like this question - these are existing commands in other linux operating systems. Can we come up with something else here?
  6. What does FSSTND stand for?
  7. This question is hard to understand. One could think that sudo or su is the desired answer. Reformulate to make it clear?
  8. There is a strange line break in the question formulation.
  9. Which command is used to compile a C program in Linux?

Also, my Score showed up with 14 decimal places (see screenshot). Screen Shot 2020-02-06 at 12 58 40 PM

Finally, how is the score computed? When I do "Show Answer" I don't appear to have anything incorrect, yet, my score is 92.85... The string responses don't show up as correct or wrong - giving no feedback to the user.

remisharrock commented 4 years ago

I agree with all of the suggestions.

for question 3 it should be

The operating system on a Mac computer is a variant of ... UNIX is the right answer

remisharrock commented 4 years ago

@AadhyaKocha @Eli-Boardman could you modify those ? Thank you !

Eli-Boardman commented 4 years ago

I made the trivial changes (re-wording) and removed the question Petra didn't like.

I'm confused on the grading--I don't know why it's doing that or where to look for diagnostics.

Also looking for further direction on what to do with regard to points 5,6,7 on the list above.

mblockelet commented 4 years ago


I fixed the two issues with scoring and feedback : the score will now display with only two decimals maximum, and string responses will properly display when they're wrong.

petraBT commented 4 years ago

Thank you for fixing the score!! Maybe this is an edX setting issue, but I can't see feedback at all in quizzes? I am currently looking at the Quiz "Find special characters on the keyboard" in MOOC 1, Unit 1.0, Section 5. I purposefully entered partially correct answers, received a reasonable partial score but am not seeing any feedback on where I got things wrong (see attached screenshot). Screen Shot 2020-02-20 at 7 55 08 AM

mblockelet commented 4 years ago

Hi, I just tried on edX, in the DART.IMT.C.01+1T2020 course, and it displayed properly for me :


I think the issue there was simply a cache issue, as I just made the change to the CSS file to display errors on text input fields. Could you try again after emptying your local cache? Thanks!

petraBT commented 4 years ago

Yes, it works no, thank you!!

Is it now a question of applying this CSS to all quizzes? The quiz above looks totally different from other quizzes? See comparison screen shots... Thank you so much! Screen Shot 2020-02-20 at 10 18 43 AM Screen Shot 2020-02-20 at 10 19 50 AM

petraBT commented 4 years ago

Ignore my previous comment - I was looking at the edX version of the quiz. Is there a way to show feedback automatically, without the user having to click on "Show Answer"? Also, if not then "Show Answer" should be called "View Feedback" - thanks!

mblockelet commented 4 years ago

Hi again, I will modify the quiz (probably tomorrow) to show feedback automatically, it was the original intent anyway but wasn't done yet. With this change, the "show answer" button will also be hidden by default, as for many quiz which don't have "solution" texts the button won't be showing any additional information anymore.

remisharrock commented 4 years ago

all right, thank you for your test all ! let me know if it is implemented now !

mblockelet commented 4 years ago

Hi, it is implemented now, you should see it (once the cache expired) on all the quiz. Tell me if everything is fine!