remix-run / react-router

Declarative routing for React
MIT License
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goodbye react-router #7397

Closed gromov-io closed 4 years ago

gromov-io commented 4 years ago

You interfere with the policy with open source, today you disabled documentation and tomorrow what ? delete the repository ?

iUltimateLP commented 4 years ago

It's only a day, you can still look up the documentation here on GitHub. Just because they've taken their fancy frontend for the documentation down, it doesn't mean they "interfere" with the policy of open source.

sirajulm commented 4 years ago

@iUltimateLP Then why don't they remove the repo instead, and ask people to check the documentation from the code in node_modules instead?

piotros commented 4 years ago

I'll not say "goodbye react-router" according to issue title because this is great software. Nevertheless, I have to say that now I'm confused if react-router is truly open. Is it really open if somebody can disable documentation during workday (yup, in Europe we have work hours now)?

I think that open source community is not the right place for USA political battles. There are a lot of users all over the world that just want to build and use software. Today's blocked documentation affects people that has nothing in common with problems in the USA.

sirajulm commented 4 years ago

Showing solidarity could have been done in a much better way. I'd not have cared if they show me a huge popup always when I come to the page, and still allow me to access the website.

Wondering what would have happened if search engines and stack overflow started behaving kiddish like these guys.

iUltimateLP commented 4 years ago

I understand the point which is made here. And I also agree with @sirajulm that a popup would have been enough. Still, I'm not sure if this really affects the state of "open source-ity" in the repo. But, it's not a great time to discuss so I hope that this state will not hold on any longer than a day.

TchernyavskyDaniil commented 4 years ago

Agree with author Documentation !== political battle

MariuzM commented 4 years ago

I agree with OP. React Router's decision to stop documentation is a dick move. It's the same as if protesters are blocking road for emergency service. People rely on React Router but this shows they can't rely for it longer. ~I will be looking into moving from React Router to Reach Router

MeiKatz commented 4 years ago

@MariuzM Moving to Reach Router is kind of dumb because it has the same people behind and support will be dropped when RRv6 is released.

MariuzM commented 4 years ago

Hm what are other options? Surely RR can't be the only one?

MeiKatz commented 4 years ago

@MariuzM I would say calm down because the source code, the documentation and the package are still accessible after all. Just the additional webpage is "down". Therefore use the documentation here on GitHub and you're good to go.

TeosVerdi commented 4 years ago

As a russian frontend developer I'm baffled by the decision to block the entire doc just to spread awareness to a foreign political problem.

TchernyavskyDaniil commented 4 years ago

@pshrmn yeah good idea just close topic 🥇

gromov-io commented 4 years ago

@pshrmn that is, African-Americans have the right to speak out and you support them by disabling documentation, but Europeans do not have such a right, just close issued without giving free Europeans a chance to speak out.. RACISM

YuginKysloff commented 4 years ago

@gromov-io yeah right!

SpangleLabs commented 4 years ago

@sirajulm It's easy to imagine other sites doing similar. Plenty of sites, including Wikipedia, did exactly this in 2012 to protest copyright reform in the USA

MariuzM commented 4 years ago

Because others did it does not mean it's right. I'm personally ok that React site done it in black but still kept doc's, so why Router could not take the same approach and keep the support for longer?

sirajulm commented 4 years ago

@sirajulm It's easy to imagine other sites doing similar. Plenty of sites, including Wikipedia, did exactly this in 2012 to protest copyright reform in the USA

@joshcoales I am a developer, not a policy maker. So denying me access to a documentation, doesn't bring you the change you expected. You should instead try to block or disrupt policy makers if you wish for a change. With this stupid move, ReactTraining have only made ill feeling in the hearts of many people who was supporting the cause.

A kid would have done a better demonstration of support than these guys.

SpangleLabs commented 4 years ago

I'm no part of the decision here, I'm involved in no way at all. I'm not even in the USA. I'm just a developer, who has been using this library and noticed the docs down yesterday. I simply went and read them on github and everything was fine.

But protests that disrupt no one achieve nothing. If you read the message, they are also donating $10k to the cause, which is a pretty good display of support also

brianespinosa commented 4 years ago

It's not a political battle, nor is it an American issue... this is a human rights issue. The docs are in the repo. Whining that the codebase is going to get deleted is stupid. You know that is not going to happen.

MariuzM commented 4 years ago

@brianespinosa you clearly missing the point here

brianespinosa commented 4 years ago

@MariuzM I'd posit that the opposite is true. Everyone here lost nothing but a shiny docs front-end, which is basically losing nothing.

gromov-io commented 4 years ago

@mjackson @ryanflorence What you have done is selfishness of the highest degree. You have disabled the entire world site with documentation, just because the rights of some African-Americans may be infringed somewhere.

If you decide to take such actions, then maybe you will stand in solidarity with the whole world ? after all, innocent people and CHILDREN are killed every day.

Syria-children are dying at the hands of terrorists. Ukraine, its own army has been destroying its people for 6 years.

Show solidarity to your community, disable documentation for 1 day because of the dead children in Syria and Ukraine, because there are many more victims than victims of racism of African-Americans

MeiKatz commented 4 years ago

@gromov-io Serious? Are you for real? Yes, there is many injustice and sorrow in the world, but the current protests are in front of the door of @mjackson and @ryanflorence.

Both have not disabled the entire world, just a shortcut to the RR documentation. If you need it you can access it here at GitHub.

brianespinosa commented 4 years ago

@gromov-io the docs are still in the repository. That has been stated multiple times. But I think it is clear you already know that. Nobody has stated that the other injustices in the world are not also horrible. But you already know that too. Your entire position is completely disingenuous.

You said goodbye... so leave already.

gromov-io commented 4 years ago


Documentation !== political battle

ryanflorence commented 4 years ago


Show solidarity to your community, disable documentation for 1 day because of the dead children in Syria and Ukraine

These sound like great ideas. Perhaps we'll do this quarterly.