remmintan / minefortress

a Minecraft mod that will turn your Minecraft into a real-time strategy
MIT License
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Prepare the mod for translation #9

Open remmintan opened 5 months ago

remmintan commented 5 months ago

Describe the feature you'd like to see There are a lot of hardcoded values in the mod source code that are used to display messages in the interface. Because the values are hardcoded we can't translate the mod properly.

The hardcoded value example Text.literal:

hardcoded value

we need to convert such values to translatable text pieces like this one Text.translatable:

image image

This is done in three steps:

  1. Find any Text.literal
  2. Take text from it to a new key in the resources file resources/assets/minefortress/lang/en_us.json
  3. Replace Text.literal with Text.translatable with that key

Please feel free to refer to these issues in any PR where you make such changes. When all texts are moved to translation files we will close this issue.

ozgurozbek commented 5 months ago

Is it okay if I take this issue and try to complete? Deadline planned?

LeMeuble commented 5 months ago

If I want to add a translation file, should I make a fork for it, or just push it on master ?

ArtemBay commented 5 months ago

If I want to add a translation file, should I make a fork for it, or just push it on master ?

Yes, check this PR #14

remmintan commented 4 months ago

Is it okay if I take this issue and try to complete? Deadline planned?

No deadline, but please open PR early, so your work will be visible and also it will be visible that the PR is not abandoned