remne / p1ib

P1 Interface Bridge
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Feature request: Make the types of messages that are posted to MQTT configurable #21

Closed klasrpersson closed 4 months ago

klasrpersson commented 9 months ago

If i only want to post messages to AWS IoT Core then it is unnecessary to send home assistant specific messages. If i dont accept those messages then it looks like the MQTT connection is lost. Would be nice if i could turn off those and other messages that i dont care about.

remne commented 9 months ago

The connection is lost due to your policy settings in AWS Core. You can change this behavior. I had the same issue when developing the support for AWS. However, I see your point that its unecessary to send messages not relevant for the given task. I will most likely create a disable option for the HA integration / MQTT autodiscovery feature.

BR, Andreas

remne commented 9 months ago

Hi. In firmware 4afb28e there is a ui switch for HA specific messages. If disabled and the json payload switch is enabled - the only mqtt messages sent are the meter json object and the general online/offline state (will) message.

BR, Andreas