remobile / react-native-toast

A android like toast for android and ios, android use native toast, ios use UIView+Toast
MIT License
346 stars 146 forks source link

add cocoapods support #15

Closed ElvisChiang closed 7 years ago

ElvisChiang commented 7 years ago

can use cocoapods instead of link

add to Podfile

pod 'ReactNativeToast', :path => '../node_modules/@remobile/react-native-toast'
ogarkov-dev commented 4 years ago

@ElvisChiang is there any reason this did not get into release? I've just hit the issue with this repo not having a cocoapods integration.

ElvisChiang commented 4 years ago

The author of this repo didn't accept any PR for long time so I just close it. Just fix it by yourself or use another similar library.