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app crash in start #425

Open joe2kaleidochain opened 1 year ago

joe2kaleidochain commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug i start the docker contain using the method in the link, but i start a app(momo transfer) , it crash after the start picture

the host is ubuntu 08-24 07:20:05.890 613 613 D Zygote : Forked child process 10780 08-24 07:20:05.891 248 275 I ActivityManager: Start proc for {com.mservice.momotransfer/} 08-24 07:20:05.891 10780 10780 I Zygote : seccomp disabled by setenforce 0 08-24 07:20:05.892 10780 10780 W ocessService0:: Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86_64 08-24 07:20:05.895 3353 3360 I adbd : jdwp connection from 10780 08-24 07:20:05.900 248 1698 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 136274596; UID 10178; state: ENABLED 08-24 07:20:05.908 10780 10780 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 08-24 07:20:05.908 10780 10780 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 08-24 07:20:05.908 10780 10780 I cr_WebViewApkApp: Launched version=109.0.5414.118 minSdkVersion=24 isBundle=false 08-24 07:20:05.909 10780 10780 I cr_ChildProcessService: Creating new ChildProcessService pid=10780 08-24 07:20:05.931 10537 10627 W FA : Param value can't be null: user_type 08-24 07:20:05.994 10537 10627 W FA : Param value can't be null: user_type 08-24 07:20:06.026 248 313 W InputDispatcher: channel 'a0ec114 com.mservice.momotransfer/vn.momo.platform.entry.MainActivity (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9 08-24 07:20:06.026 248 313 E InputDispatcher: channel 'a0ec114 com.mservice.momotransfer/vn.momo.platform.entry.MainActivity (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed! 08-24 07:20:06.028 248 2581 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=34, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10178 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10178 RequestorPackageName: com.mservice.momotransfer] ], android.os.BinderProxy@e8ac51e) 08-24 07:20:06.028 248 404 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=33, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&FOREGROUND Uid: 10178 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10178 RequestorPackageName: com.mservice.momotransfer] ], android.os.BinderProxy@c5941ff) 08-24 07:20:06.028 248 331 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=34, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10178 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10178 RequestorPackageName: com.mservice.momotransfer] ] (release request) 08-24 07:20:06.029 248 1102 I ActivityManager: Process com.mservice.momotransfer (pid 10537) has died: fg TOP 08-24 07:20:06.029 248 2573 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{a0ec114 u0 com.mservice.momotransfer/vn.momo.platform.entry.MainActivity} 08-24 07:20:06.029 248 2573 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel 'a0ec114 com.mservice.momotransfer/vn.momo.platform.entry.MainActivity (server)' 08-24 07:20:06.030 397 397 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: onSubscriptionInfoChanged() 08-24 07:20:06.030 762 762 D Telephony: isEmergencyPreferredAccount: subId=-1, activeData=-1 08-24 07:20:06.030 762 762 D Telephony: isEmergencyPreferredAccount: Device does not require preference. 08-24 07:20:06.030 2585 2585 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { } 08-24 07:20:06.031 2585 2585 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { } 08-24 07:20:06.031 10780 10780 I cr_ChildProcessService: Destroying ChildProcessService pid=10780 08-24 07:20:06.031 248 1102 W ActivityTaskManager: Force removing ActivityRecord{8f1d5cb u0 com.mservice.momotransfer/vn.momo.platform.entry.MainActivity t74}: app died, no saved state 08-24 07:20:06.031 134 134 I Zygote : Process 10537 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 08-24 07:20:06.032 10780 10780 I ocessService0:: System.exit called, status: 0 08-24 07:20:06.032 10780 10780 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 0, cleanup skipped. 08-24 07:20:06.033 248 1102 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 0): isolated not needed 08-24 07:20:06.034 248 268 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 10537 08-24 07:20:06.037 613 613 I Zygote : Process 10780 exited cleanly (0) 08-24 07:20:06.038 248 279 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) 08-24 07:20:06.040 248 279 D KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Removing uids 1037-1037 08-24 07:20:06.040 248 279 E KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: failed to remove uids 1037 - 1037 from uid_cputime module 08-24 07:20:06.040 248 279 E KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: /proc/uid_cputime/remove_uid_range: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) 08-24 07:20:06.040 248 279 E KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: at 08-24 07:20:06.040 248 279 E KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: at 08-24 07:20:06.040 248 279 E KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: at 08-24 07:20:06.040 248 279 E KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: at 08-24 07:20:06.040 248 279 E KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: at$KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader.removeUidsFromKernelModule( 08-24 07:20:06.040 248 279 E KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: at$KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader.removeUid( 08-24 07:20:06.040 248 279 E KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: at$UidToRemove.remove( 08-24 07:20:06.040 248 279 E KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: at 08-24 07:20:06.040 248 279 E KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: at$ 08-24 07:20:06.040 248 279 E KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ 08-24 07:20:06.040 248 279 E KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: at 08-24 07:20:06.040 248 279 E KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$

joe2kaleidochain commented 1 year ago

anyone know the reason ? the es file manager id fine in the docker

zhouziyang commented 1 year ago

Can you provide the full debug logs (logcat)? The crash log is not contained in your post.

joe2kaleidochain commented 1 year ago

08-24 09:22:00.002 387 387 D KeyguardClockSwitch: Updating clock: 922 08-24 09:22:00.912 247 28265 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.mservice.momotransfer/vn.momo.platform.entry.MainActivity bnds=[526,423][693,642]} from uid 10107 08-24 09:22:00.922 247 267 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10178; state: DISABLED 08-24 09:22:00.922 247 274 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10178; state: ENABLED 08-24 09:22:00.933 141 141 D Zygote : Forked child process 35228 08-24 09:22:00.942 247 272 E SchedPolicy: Failed to find cgroup for tid 247 08-24 09:22:00.943 35228 35228 I Zygote : seccomp disabled by setenforce 0 08-24 09:22:00.943 247 274 I ActivityManager: Start proc 35228:com.mservice.momotransfer/u0a178 for pre-top-activity {com.mservice.momotransfer/vn.momo.platform.entry.MainActivity} 08-24 09:22:00.966 247 272 E SchedPolicy: Failed to find cgroup for tid 247 08-24 09:22:00.967 35228 35228 W ce.momotransfe: Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86_64 08-24 09:22:00.975 247 272 E SchedPolicy: Failed to find cgroup for tid 247 08-24 09:22:00.975 247 272 E SchedPolicy: Failed to find cgroup for tid 247 08-24 09:22:00.998 35228 35228 I ndk_translation: Initialized NDK translation (aarch64), version 0.2.2 08-24 09:22:01.013 247 310 I InputDispatcher: Dropping event because there is no touchable window or gesture monitor at (624, 526) in display 0. 08-24 09:22:01.013 247 310 W InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection failed. 08-24 09:22:01.124 120 134 I adbd : jdwp connection from 35228 08-24 09:22:01.127 247 2799 E SchedPolicy: Failed to find cgroup for tid 35228 08-24 09:22:01.127 247 2799 W OomAdjuster: Fallback pre-set sched group to default: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unknown error 08-24 09:22:01.129 247 310 I InputDispatcher: Dropping event because there is no touched foreground window in display 0 or gesture monitor to receive it. 08-24 09:22:01.129 247 310 W InputDispatcher: Asynchronous input event injection failed. 08-24 09:22:01.131 35228 35228 I ce.momotransfe: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 08-24 09:22:01.140 35228 35228 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false 08-24 09:22:01.140 35228 35228 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false 08-24 09:22:01.152 35228 35228 D Sentry : read: false 08-24 09:22:01.152 35228 35228 I Sentry : Retrieving auto-init from AndroidManifest.xml 08-24 09:22:01.154 35228 35228 I System.out: Displayed @@ [ColdStart] >> start: 105605895 08-24 09:22:01.155 35228 35228 D Initializer: initializing firebase 08-24 09:22:01.156 35228 35228 W ComponentDiscovery: Class is not an found. 08-24 09:22:01.158 35228 35228 I FirebaseApp: Device unlocked: initializing all Firebase APIs for app [DEFAULT] 08-24 09:22:01.163 35228 35228 I FirebaseCrashlytics: Initializing Firebase Crashlytics 17.4.1 08-24 09:22:01.164 35228 35275 D TransportRuntime.JobInfoScheduler: Upload for context TransportContext(cct, DEFAULT, MSRodHRwczovL2ZpcmViYXNlbG9nZ2luZy1wYS5nb29nbGVhcGlzLmNvbS92MS9maXJlbG9nL2xlZ2FjeS9iYXRjaGxvZ1xBSXphU3lDY2traUg4aTJaQVJ3T3MxTEV6RktsZDE1YU9HOG96S28=) is already scheduled. Returning... 08-24 09:22:01.165 35228 35282 I TetheringManager: registerTetheringEventCallback:com.mservice.momotransfer 08-24 09:22:01.170 247 28265 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 136274596; UID 10178; state: ENABLED 08-24 09:22:01.172 35228 35281 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module 08-24 09:22:01.172 35228 35281 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of, version >= 93 08-24 09:22:01.172 35228 35281 V DynamiteModule: Dynamite loader version >= 2, using loadModule2NoCrashUtils 08-24 09:22:01.177 104 104 E CompositionEngine: [Splash Screen com.mservice.momotransfer#0] Invalid device requested composition type change: CLIENT (1) --> DEVICE (2) 08-24 09:22:01.177 35228 35281 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: 08-24 09:22:01.178 35228 35294 E SchedPolicy: Failed to find cgroup for tid 35228 08-24 09:22:01.180 35228 35228 D Initializer: init firebase SUCCEEDED! 08-24 09:22:01.181 35228 35228 D FirebaseStorageHelper: Environment onInitSuccess -> Call event listener direct 08-24 09:22:01.206 35228 35228 D SoLoader: init start 08-24 09:22:01.211 104 104 E CompositionEngine: [Splash Screen com.mservice.momotransfer#0] Invalid device requested composition type change: CLIENT (1) --> DEVICE (2) 08-24 09:22:01.240 35228 35228 D SoLoader: adding system library source: /vendor/lib64 08-24 09:22:01.240 35228 35228 D SoLoader: adding system library source: /system/lib64 08-24 09:22:01.240 35228 35228 D SoLoader: adding application source: com.facebook.soloader.DirectorySoSource[root = /data/app/~~9ePNqLPjYnCaUopncyU51Q==/com.mservice.momotransfer-chP-rm70AFvwk8an82zBww==/lib/arm64 flags = 0] 08-24 09:22:01.241 35228 35228 D SoLoader: adding backup source from : com.facebook.soloader.ApkSoSource[root = /data/data/com.mservice.momotransfer/lib-main flags = 1] 08-24 09:22:01.241 35228 35228 D SoLoader: Preparing SO source: com.facebook.soloader.DirectorySoSource[root = /system/lib64 flags = 2] 08-24 09:22:01.241 35228 35228 D SoLoader: Preparing SO source: com.facebook.soloader.DirectorySoSource[root = /vendor/lib64 flags = 2] 08-24 09:22:01.241 35228 35228 D SoLoader: Preparing SO source: com.facebook.soloader.DirectorySoSource[root = /data/app/~~9ePNqLPjYnCaUopncyU51Q==/com.mservice.momotransfer-chP-rm70AFvwk8an82zBww==/lib/arm64 flags = 0] 08-24 09:22:01.241 35228 35228 D SoLoader: Preparing SO source: com.facebook.soloader.ApkSoSource[root = /data/data/com.mservice.momotransfer/lib-main flags = 1] 08-24 09:22:01.242 35228 35228 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store /data/user/0/com.mservice.momotransfer/lib-main 08-24 09:22:01.243 35228 35228 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date: /data/user/0/com.mservice.momotransfer/lib-main 08-24 09:22:01.243 35228 35228 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for /data/user/0/com.mservice.momotransfer/lib-main 08-24 09:22:01.243 35228 35228 D SoLoader: init finish: 4 SO sources prepared 08-24 09:22:01.243 35228 35228 D SoLoader: init exiting 08-24 09:22:01.244 104 104 E CompositionEngine: [Splash Screen com.mservice.momotransfer#0] Invalid device requested composition type change: CLIENT (1) --> DEVICE (2) 08-24 09:22:01.254 35228 35325 E SchedPolicy: Failed to find cgroup for tid 35228 08-24 09:22:01.265 35228 35228 W com.facebook.UserSettingsManager: Please set a value for AutoLogAppEventsEnabled. Set the flag to TRUE if you want to collect app install, app launch and in-app purchase events automatically. To request user consent before collecting data, set the flag value to FALSE, then change to TRUE once user consent is received. Learn more: 08-24 09:22:01.266 35228 35228 W com.facebook.UserSettingsManager: You haven't set a value for AdvertiserIDCollectionEnabled. Set the flag to TRUE if you want to collect Advertiser ID for better advertising and analytics results. To request user consent before collecting data, set the flag value to FALSE, then change to TRUE once user consent is received. Learn more: 08-24 09:22:01.278 104 104 E CompositionEngine: [Splash Screen com.mservice.momotransfer#0] Invalid device requested composition type change: CLIENT (1) --> DEVICE (2) 08-24 09:22:01.281 35228 35332 W com.facebook.internal.NativeProtocol: Apps that target Android API 30+ (Android 11+) cannot call Facebook native apps unless the package visibility needs are declared. Please follow to make the declaration. 08-24 09:22:01.310 104 104 E CompositionEngine: [Splash Screen com.mservice.momotransfer#0] Invalid device requested composition type change: CLIENT (1) --> DEVICE (2) 08-24 09:22:01.322 35228 35321 I FA : App measurement initialized, version: 80055 08-24 09:22:01.322 35228 35321 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE 08-24 09:22:01.322 35228 35321 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event logging run: 08-24 09:22:01.322 35228 35321 I FA : adb shell setprop com.mservice.momotransfer 08-24 09:22:01.344 104 104 E CompositionEngine: [Splash Screen com.mservice.momotransfer#0] Invalid device requested composition type change: CLIENT (1) --> DEVICE (2) 08-24 09:22:01.348 23725 23725 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { } 08-24 09:22:01.348 23725 23725 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { } 08-24 09:22:01.377 104 104 E CompositionEngine: [Splash Screen com.mservice.momotransfer#0] Invalid device requested composition type change: CLIENT (1) --> DEVICE (2) 08-24 09:22:01.410 104 104 E CompositionEngine: [Splash Screen com.mservice.momotransfer#0] Invalid device requested composition type change: CLIENT (1) --> DEVICE (2) 08-24 09:22:01.440 35228 35228 D V-OS.debug: ** V-Key Release SDK: V-OS Processor (Apr 6 2023 19:32:18) ** 08-24 09:22:01.443 104 104 E CompositionEngine: [Splash Screen com.mservice.momotransfer#0] Invalid device requested composition type change: CLIENT (1) --> DEVICE (2) 08-24 09:22:01.477 104 104 I chatty : uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 1 line 08-24 09:22:01.510 104 104 E CompositionEngine: [Splash Screen com.mservice.momotransfer#0] Invalid device requested composition type change: CLIENT (1) --> DEVICE (2) 08-24 09:22:01.576 35228 35333 I ce.momotransfe: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 08-24 09:22:01.588 35228 35385 I WebViewFactory: Loading version 109.0.5414.118 (code 541411806) 08-24 09:22:01.601 35228 35385 I ce.momotransfe: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library. 08-24 09:22:01.602 35228 35385 D nativeloader: classloader namespace configured for unbundled product apk. library_path=/system/product/app/webview/lib/x86_64:/system/product/app/webview/webview.apk!/lib/x86_64:/product/lib64:/system/product/lib64 08-24 09:22:01.615 35228 35321 I FA : Tag Manager is not found and thus will not be used 08-24 09:22:01.628 35228 35321 W FA : Param value can't be null: user_type 08-24 09:22:01.636 35228 35275 D TransportRuntime.SQLiteEventStore: Storing event with priority=DEFAULT, name=FIREPERF for destination cct 08-24 09:22:01.638 35228 35275 D TransportRuntime.JobInfoScheduler: Upload for context TransportContext(cct, DEFAULT, MSRodHRwczovL2ZpcmViYXNlbG9nZ2luZy1wYS5nb29nbGVhcGlzLmNvbS92MS9maXJlbG9nL2xlZ2FjeS9iYXRjaGxvZ1xBSXphU3lDY2traUg4aTJaQVJ3T3MxTEV6RktsZDE1YU9HOG96S28=) is already scheduled. Returning... 08-24 09:22:01.640 35228 35385 I cr_WVCFactoryProvider: Loaded version=109.0.5414.118 minSdkVersion=24 isBundle=false multiprocess=true packageId=2 08-24 09:22:01.647 734 34035 E GmsConnectionFactory: UID for network attribution might be misset for tag 536871943 [CONTEXT service_id=39 ] 08-24 09:22:01.647 734 34035 E GmsConnectionFactory: cytr: FULL 08-24 09:22:01.647 734 34035 E GmsConnectionFactory: at a.M( (150800-555695945):9) 08-24 09:22:01.647 734 34035 E GmsConnectionFactory: at apav.a( (150800-555695945):148) 08-24 09:22:01.647 734 34035 E GmsConnectionFactory: at arwx.c( (150800-555695945):119) 08-24 09:22:01.647 734 34035 E GmsConnectionFactory: at arwn.d( (150800-555695945):11) 08-24 09:22:01.647 734 34035 E GmsConnectionFactory: at arws.a( (150800-555695945):4) 08-24 09:22:01.647 734 34035 E GmsConnectionFactory: at arwn.b( (150800-555695945):86) 08-24 09:22:01.647 734 34035 E GmsConnectionFactory: at arwn.execute( (150800-555695945):8) 08-24 09:22:01.647 734 34035 E GmsConnectionFactory: at arwn.execute( (150800-555695945):5) 08-24 09:22:01.647 734 34035 E GmsConnectionFactory: at aqhu.h( (150800-555695945):519) 08-24 09:22:01.647 734 34035 E GmsConnectionFactory: at (150800-555695945):13) 08-24 09:22:01.647 734 34035 E GmsConnectionFactory: at acst.c( (150800-555695945):50) 08-24 09:22:01.647 734 34035 E GmsConnectionFactory: at (150800-555695945):76) 08-24 09:22:01.647 734 34035 E GmsConnectionFactory: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( 08-24 09:22:01.647 734 34035 E GmsConnectionFactory: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ 08-24 09:22:01.647 734 34035 E GmsConnectionFactory: at (150800-555695945):8) 08-24 09:22:01.647 734 34035 E GmsConnectionFactory: at 08-24 09:22:01.662 35228 35412 I cr_VariationsUtils: Failed reading seed file "/data/user/0/com.mservice.momotransfer/app_webview/variations_seed_new" 08-24 09:22:01.674 35228 35321 W FA : Param value can't be null: user_type 08-24 09:22:01.694 247 327 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] 08-24 09:22:01.680 35228 35321 I chatty : uid=10178(com.mservice.momotransfer) Measurement Wor identical 1 line 08-24 09:22:01.706 35228 35321 W FA : Param value can't be null: user_type 08-24 09:22:01.734 35228 35228 W ce.momotransfe: Class androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.SnapshotStateList failed lock verification and will run slower. 08-24 09:22:01.734 35228 35228 W ce.momotransfe: Common causes for lock verification issues are non-optimized dex code 08-24 09:22:01.734 35228 35228 W ce.momotransfe: and incorrect proguard optimizations. 08-24 09:22:01.748 35228 35228 W ce.momotransfe: Accessing hidden method Landroid/graphics/Canvas;->drawPatch(Landroid/graphics/NinePatch;Landroid/graphics/Rect;Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V (greylist-max-o, linking, denied) 08-24 09:22:01.748 35228 35228 W ce.momotransfe: Accessing hidden method Landroid/graphics/Canvas;->drawPatch(Landroid/graphics/NinePatch;Landroid/graphics/RectF;Landroid/graphics/Paint;)V (greylist-max-o, linking, denied) 08-24 09:22:01.808 35228 35368 D V-OS.debug: ** V-Key Release: V-OS Firmware (PQR) Version ** 08-24 09:22:01.863 22 22 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.configstore@1.0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default in either framework or device manifest. 08-24 09:22:01.874 22 22 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry in either framework or device manifest. 08-24 09:22:01.874 35228 35369 I Gralloc4: mapper 4.x is not supported 08-24 09:22:01.874 22 22 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry in either framework or device manifest. 08-24 09:22:01.874 35228 35369 W Gralloc3: mapper 3.x is not supported 08-24 09:22:01.934 35228 35455 I vn.momo.platform.MainApplication: MainApp.onNotified: 33554432-0 08-24 09:22:01.949 35228 35369 I OpenGLRenderer: Davey! duration=734ms; Flags=1, IntendedVsync=105605950774778, Vsync=105606350774762, OldestInputEvent=9223372036854775807, NewestInputEvent=0, HandleInputStart=105606378857206, AnimationStart=105606378858625, PerformTraversalsStart=105606378999612, DrawStart=105606611305690, SyncQueued=105606614657789, SyncStart=105606619688874, IssueDrawCommandsStart=105606619722706, SwapBuffers=105606689186064, FrameCompleted=105606690208062, DequeueBufferDuration=0, QueueBufferDuration=109639, GpuCompleted=0, 08-24 09:22:01.950 247 272 W system_server: Failed to determine oat file name for dex location /data/app/~~9ePNqLPjYnCaUopncyU51Q==/com.mservice.momotransfer-chP-rm70AFvwk8an82zBww==/base.apk: Dalvik cache directory does not exist 08-24 09:22:01.951 247 272 I ActivityTaskManager: Displayed com.mservice.momotransfer/vn.momo.platform.entry.MainActivity: +1s38ms 08-24 09:22:01.996 247 272 I ActivityTaskManager: Fully drawn com.mservice.momotransfer/vn.momo.platform.entry.MainActivity: +1s83ms 08-24 09:22:01.996 247 28265 W system_server: Failed to determine oat file name for dex location /data/app/~~9ePNqLPjYnCaUopncyU51Q==/com.mservice.momotransfer-chP-rm70AFvwk8an82zBww==/base.apk: Dalvik cache directory does not exist 08-24 09:22:02.005 35228 35228 I System.out: Displayed @@ [ColdStart] >> stop: 105606743 08-24 09:22:02.017 247 2799 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10178/35228 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=77, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10178 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10178 RequestorPackageName: com.mservice.momotransfer] ] 08-24 09:22:02.017 247 327 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [77 : null → 100] 08-24 09:22:02.018 247 353 D Ethernet: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=77, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10178 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10178 RequestorPackageName: com.mservice.momotransfer] ] with score 70 and providerId 1 08-24 09:22:02.018 247 323 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=77, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10178 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10178 RequestorPackageName: com.mservice.momotransfer] ] with score 70 and providerId 1 08-24 09:22:02.018 247 323 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=77, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10178 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10178 RequestorPackageName: com.mservice.momotransfer] ] with score 70 and providerId 1 08-24 09:22:02.018 683 683 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=77, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10178 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10178 RequestorPackageName: com.mservice.momotransfer] ] with score 70 and providerId 1 08-24 09:22:02.019 387 387 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: onSubscriptionInfoChanged() 08-24 09:22:02.020 683 683 D Telephony: isEmergencyPreferredAccount: subId=-1, activeData=-1 08-24 09:22:02.020 683 683 D Telephony: isEmergencyPreferredAccount: Device does not require preference. 08-24 09:22:02.031 23725 23725 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { } 08-24 09:22:02.031 23725 23725 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { } 08-24 09:22:02.070 35228 35228 I cr_LibraryLoader: Successfully loaded native library 08-24 09:22:02.071 35228 35228 I cr_CachingUmaRecorder: Flushed 8 samples from 8 histograms. 08-24 09:22:02.082 35228 35228 I cr_VariationsUtils: Loaded seed with age 22369s 08-24 09:22:02.088 35228 35321 W FA : Param value can't be null: user_type 08-24 09:22:02.088 247 2799 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10178; state: DISABLED 08-24 09:22:02.089 247 274 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10178; state: ENABLED 08-24 09:22:02.094 638 638 D Zygote : Forked child process 35487 08-24 09:22:02.095 247 274 I ActivityManager: Start proc for {com.mservice.momotransfer/} 08-24 09:22:02.095 35487 35487 I Zygote : seccomp disabled by setenforce 0 08-24 09:22:02.096 35487 35487 W ocessService0:: Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86_64 08-24 09:22:02.103 120 134 I adbd : jdwp connection from 35487 08-24 09:22:02.107 247 2799 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 136274596; UID 10178; state: ENABLED 08-24 09:22:02.119 35487 35487 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 08-24 09:22:02.119 35487 35487 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 08-24 09:22:02.119 35487 35487 I cr_WebViewApkApp: Launched version=109.0.5414.118 minSdkVersion=24 isBundle=false 08-24 09:22:02.120 35487 35487 I cr_ChildProcessService: Creating new ChildProcessService pid=35487 08-24 09:22:02.157 247 310 W InputDispatcher: channel 'f6c0091 com.mservice.momotransfer/vn.momo.platform.entry.MainActivity (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9 08-24 09:22:02.157 247 310 E InputDispatcher: channel 'f6c0091 com.mservice.momotransfer/vn.momo.platform.entry.MainActivity (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed! 08-24 09:22:02.159 247 2852 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{f6c0091 u0 com.mservice.momotransfer/vn.momo.platform.entry.MainActivity} 08-24 09:22:02.159 247 2852 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel 'f6c0091 com.mservice.momotransfer/vn.momo.platform.entry.MainActivity (server)' 08-24 09:22:02.159 247 1037 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=77, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10178 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10178 RequestorPackageName: com.mservice.momotransfer] ], android.os.BinderProxy@f534a45) 08-24 09:22:02.159 247 327 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=77, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 10178 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10178 RequestorPackageName: com.mservice.momotransfer] ] (release request) 08-24 09:22:02.159 247 14651 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=76, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&FOREGROUND Uid: 10178 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 10178 RequestorPackageName: com.mservice.momotransfer] ], android.os.BinderProxy@d75d59a) 08-24 09:22:02.159 247 2800 I ActivityManager: Process com.mservice.momotransfer (pid 35228) has died: fg TOP 08-24 09:22:02.160 683 683 D Telephony: isEmergencyPreferredAccount: subId=-1, activeData=-1 08-24 09:22:02.160 683 683 D Telephony: isEmergencyPreferredAccount: Device does not require preference. 08-24 09:22:02.160 23725 23725 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { } 08-24 09:22:02.161 35487 35487 I cr_ChildProcessService: Destroying ChildProcessService pid=35487 08-24 09:22:02.161 247 2800 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 0): isolated not needed 08-24 09:22:02.162 247 2800 W ActivityTaskManager: Force removing ActivityRecord{1db106a u0 com.mservice.momotransfer/vn.momo.platform.entry.MainActivity t88}: app died, no saved state 08-24 09:22:02.162 23725 23725 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { } 08-24 09:22:02.163 141 141 I Zygote : Process 35228 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 08-24 09:22:02.165 247 267 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 35228 08-24 09:22:02.166 638 638 I Zygote : Process 35487 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 08-24 09:22:02.166 247 278 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) 08-24 09:22:02.179 387 387 V KeyguardUpdateMonitor: onSubscriptionInfoChanged() 08-24 09:22:02.295 734 34035 W GCM : Failed sending response to request: 1 08-24 09:22:03.926 247 1020 E SchedPolicy: Failed to find cgroup for tid 247 08-24 09:22:04.506 247 1020 I chatty : uid=1000(system) LazyTaskWriterT identical 4 lines 08-24 09:22:04.507 247 1020 E SchedPolicy: Failed to find cgroup for tid 247 08-24 09:22:05.044 247 35573 E SchedPolicy: Failed to find cgroup for tid 247 08-24 09:22:09.818 614 906 E TcpSocketTracker: Expect to get family 10 SOCK_DIAG_BY_FAMILY message but get 2 08-24 09:22:09.818 614 906 E TcpSocketTracker: Expect to get family 2 SOCK_DIAG_BY_FAMILY message but get 2

joe2kaleidochain commented 1 year ago

@zhouziyang this is the log of logcat after start the momo app, it seems the crash is 8-24 09:22:01.647 734 34035 E GmsConnectionFactory: UID for network attribution might be misset for tag 536871943 [CONTEXT service_id=39 ] 08-24 09:22:01.647 734 34035 E GmsConnectionFactory: cytr: FULL

zhouziyang commented 1 year ago

08-24 09:22:02.163 141 141 I Zygote : Process 35228 exited due to signal 9 (Killed)

App was killed somehow. Possible reasons:

joe2kaleidochain commented 1 year ago

GMS can start using open_gapps-x86_64-11.0-pico-20220503 anti-emulator login in this App? how to set emulator?

joe2kaleidochain commented 1 year ago

xb@xb-Vostro-3690:~/redroid/5556$ cat docker-compose.yaml version: "3" services: redroid: container_name: redroid_5556 image: redroid/redroid:11.0.0-latest stdin_open: true tty: true privileged: true ports:

-24 09:37:52.340 29461 29461 I chatty : uid=10122( identical 3 lines 08-24 09:37:52.341 29461 29461 W SetupWizard: [bcw] getAssistantOptInState() component does not exist 08-24 09:37:52.548 387 387 D InterruptionStateProvider: No bubble up: not allowed to bubble: 0||3|DeferredSetupNotification|10122 08-24 09:37:52.549 387 387 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0||3|DeferredSetupNotification|10122 08-24 09:38:00.002 387 387 D KeyguardClockSwitch: Updating clock: 938 08-24 09:38:10.470 614 906 E TcpSocketTracker: Expect to get family 10 SOCK_DIAG_BY_FAMILY message but get 2 08-24 09:38:10.470 614 906 E TcpSocketTracker: Expect to get family 2 SOCK_DIAG_BY_FAMILY message but get 2 08-24 09:38:19.914 156 205 E Netd : Failed to dump IPv4 sockets struct tcp_info: No such file or directory 08-24 09:38:19.914 156 205 E TcpSocketMonitor: Failed to poll TCP socket info: No such file or directory 08-24 09:38:30.491 614 906 E TcpSocketTracker: Expect to get family 10 SOCK_DIAG_BY_FAMILY message but get 2 08-24 09:38:30.492 614 906 E TcpSocketTracker: Expect to get family 2 SOCK_DIAG_BY_FAMILY message but get 2 08-24 09:38:49.915 156 205 E Netd : Failed to dump IPv4 sockets struct tcp_info: No such file or directory 08-24 09:38:49.915 156 205 E TcpSocketMonitor: Failed to poll TCP socket info: No such file or directory 08-24 09:38:50.513 614 906 E TcpSocketTracker: Expect to get family 10 SOCK_DIAG_BY_FAMILY message but get 2 08-24 09:38:50.513 614 906 E TcpSocketTracker: Expect to get family 2 SOCK_DIAG_BY_FAMILY message but get 2 08-24 09:39:00.002 387 387 D KeyguardClockSwitch: Updating clock: 939 08-24 09:39:10.534 614 906 E TcpSocketTracker: Expect to get family 10 SOCK_DIAG_BY_FAMILY message but get 2 08-24 09:39:10.534 614 906 E TcpSocketTracker: Expect to get family 2 SOCK_DIAG_BY_FAMILY message but get 2 08-24 09:39:19.915 156 205 E Netd : Failed to dump IPv4 sockets struct tcp_info: No such file or directory

joe2kaleidochain commented 1 year ago

androidboot.redroid_net_proxy_type=static need to set this property?